Sun 24 May, 2020 10:57 pm
Hey everybody, I communicated with God (me and Obiel DeNook). Tell me what you think of it and try to communicate to Him as well!
Can anybody find out where GOD is at the moment? (ask it 'the universe' or so?)
Obiel DeNook "Everywhere. I am the universe." This is what I heard when I asked. It's hard to say which spirit said it. It was a very deep and booming voice.
Steven Chang THANKS!
Obiel DeNook Steven Chang You're welcome.
Steven Chang Obiel DeNook Can you also ask Him where the real him is?
Obiel DeNook He said, "Inside and outside of you and everyone. I'm not a 3rd-dimensional being. I am more."
Steven Chang Thanks again!
Obiel DeNook Steven Chang Honestly, I'm not used to hearing that voice and it is too much for me to handle. I can hear spirits but I've never gotten a response like that asking about or to God.
Steven Chang I'll tell you a secret. I think I have caused Genesis.
Obiel DeNook Steven Chang Really? What do you mean?
Steven Chang Genesis is the creation of everything.
Steven Chang That is why I am asking where God is.
Steven Chang But I still don't completely understand...
Steven Chang Can you also ask WHO god is?
Steven Chang What is his real name?
Obiel DeNook Steven Chang I'm not sure what to think of that. There's definitely something about you, I must say.
Steven Chang God created everything. And I did it.
Steven Chang With Genesis.
Obiel DeNook He said, "It's not something you should know right now. You will know soon enough."
Steven Chang Wow that means I am God.
Steven Chang Because I caused Genesis.
Obiel DeNook "You are all part," is what he said.
Steven Chang He told me that too!
Steven Chang That I am him.... And he is me....
Obiel DeNook Steven Chang That is truly something. My ears are ringing real bad all of a sudden.
... Obiel DeNook Mesha Fox The discussion I was having on what I was hearing is the truth on what I heard. My ears are ringing pretty badly from it. I don't know what to think of what we talked about.
I hope you can get the mental health counseling you need, Steven.