awesome14 wrote:
The fact of the existence of extraterrestrials is difficult to deny. But claiming to know anything about them is probably a stretch. Speculation of much more advanced beings who are hostile seems to be a bastion of the wicked. They don't realize more advanced beings will always be less hostile, because truth dictates peace, and ignorance causes death.
Advanced beings might be better at coming up with the least-violent solution to a problem, but ultimately violence depends on the assessment of a species.
No one treats mosquitoes, ticks, and other parasitic species with any less violence than is necessary to prevent them from causing harm to the host, whether the host is another human or a pet. They might see their benefit to the larger ecosystem/food-webs and not want them extinct for that reason, and they might try to use repellents instead of pesticides for similar reasons, but no one just lets themselves and their pets get eaten to death by mosquitoes and ticks because they are 'advanced beings.'
Likewise, an intelligent alien species would decide how to treat humans based on their assessment of how much of a threat humans ultimately pose to themselves and their 'pets,' whatever 'pets' they may have.
They may assess that humans are not going to progress beyond self-destruction of themselves and other species and decide to commit anthrocide to cleanse the planet of us as a species. Hopefully they will see the good potential in us and we will live up to that vision before they give up on us, but it just depends on how they analyze/forecast future developments and how much patience they have.