Rove was the source of the Plame leak... so it appears

Reply Tue 9 Aug, 2005 10:25 am
Strangely enough, Bush and Rove haven't testified under oath yet; give them the opportunity to lie, and this whole deal may be as important as a your problems with Clinton, Timber.

The crimes committed in this case are in reality far more severe than those of Watergate; outing secret agents is no joke and no political game.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Aug, 2005 10:31 am
Cycloptichorn wrote:
The crimes committed in this case are in reality far more severe than those of Watergate; outing secret agents is no joke and no political game.


You'd think they'd make it against the law then, huh?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Aug, 2005 10:35 am
timberlandko wrote:
The primary difference between Watergate and the Plame Game is that Watergate was a real issue.

Oh, and re Bubba's impeachment - the issue, despite the Democrat's spin is not and never was what he lied about, the issue is that he lied under oath, and did so while Cheif Executive of The United States. Whether the background of the felony was illicit sex or jaywalking is immaterial. That The Democrats fail to recognize this is illustrative, and is but one reason for the situation in which today they find themselves; they've engineered, and perpetuate, their own disadvantage.

Interestingly, it isn't just Democrats who fail to see the importance of lying (under oath and while in office) about things which don't affect the business of running the country. People from all walks of life are just as uninterested in the president's sex life as they are in anyone else's. I would even say it's a very conservative position to take that people's private affairs should remain private.

What I'm talking about is not spin. It's what the majority of Americans believed at the time, if you'll remember. Only a minority were partisan enough to chase this issue to impeachment. When it comes down to it, it's about what the American people care about. Most of us are more concerned about dying than we are about presidential blowjobs and legal technicalities.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Aug, 2005 10:39 am
Re: Tico
Ticomaya wrote:
BumbleBeeBoogie wrote:
Tico, your excuses for Bush would be laughable if they were not so pathetic. This is demonstrated by your consistent tactic of citing Clinton's lies about getting a blow job every time Bush is attacked. It's called diverting the attention. It doesn't work. It only makes you look ridiculous.


Revel beats a familiar drum when she "attacks" Bush by accusing him of lying. It's a favorite theme for you Bush-haters. I have no desire to continually debunk it ... I've done the debate concerning the self-admitted lies told by Clinton, and the "lies" you Bush-haters desperately want to be able to prove Bush told, but can't. You can't prove Bush lied, so you resort to frequent references to Bush's "lies" in the hope that your fantasies will be believed.

So my effort here was not to debunk this fantasy of yours again. It was to point out that when Revel speaks about "It's almost as though we have just accepted that this is just the way it is here now," she should be reminded of the desensitization to lying that was brought about by your hero, the self-admitted liar, Bill Clinton. So now, when you Bush-haters bring your spurrious charges that Bush "lied," you deal with a public that shrugs, and thinks, "Isn't that what Presidents do?"

And yes, we have Clinton to thank for that.

Actually 'Revel' beats a familar drumbeat about Bush deceiving. He stood up before the American people and told that bit about Saddam seeking uranium from Niger according to British sources even though there was already reason to believe it wasn't the truth. That was a deception by omitting our own intelligence was not sure about Saddam Hussien seeking uranium from Niger. Clinton deceived the American people about his encounters with Monica Lewisky. But he never legally lied or else he would have been charged with perjury. He wasn't. In the end, Bush's deception is worse than Clinton's deception.
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Reply Tue 9 Aug, 2005 10:40 am
Or getting the medical insurance premiums paid when one is out of work so that one will NOT die.

Be that as it may - I agree with Set. But for a different reason. I don't think that there will be another Saturday Night Massacre because with both Rove and Bush under the microscope, they would not want to draw more attention their way.

Hope that it will blow over and the people will be bored with it, as usual.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Aug, 2005 10:55 am
Re: Tico
revel wrote:
... Clinton deceived the American people about his encounters with Monica Lewisky. But he never legally lied or else he would have been charged with perjury. He wasn't. In the end, Bush's deception is worse than Clinton's deception.

"He never legally lied"??????? What do you think you meant by that?

Anyway, we've done this dance before, revel. Just go HERE and maybe we can save some keystrokes.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Aug, 2005 11:24 am
Re: Tico
Ticomaya wrote:
revel wrote:
... Clinton deceived the American people about his encounters with Monica Lewisky. But he never legally lied or else he would have been charged with perjury. He wasn't. In the end, Bush's deception is worse than Clinton's deception.

"He never legally lied"??????? What do you think you meant by that?

Anyway, we've done this dance before, revel. Just go HERE and maybe we can save some keystrokes.

I'm returning to my policy of ignoring you which, somehow, I forgot to continue. Me bad! Saves lots of key strokes, too.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Aug, 2005 12:16 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
revel wrote:
I think maybe the public (me anyway) feels that all the emotion is a waste because no one is trustworthy anymore. It's almost as though we have just accepted that this is just the way it is here now.

You can thank Bubba for that.

oh please.

like giving half of the world over to the soviets post ww II, korea, vietnam, WATERGATE, iran-contra, "read my lips" and "saddam has wmd and we know right where they are!" have had nothing to do with it.

pin the tail on the bubba is so over, dude.

i can't believe i forgot to include watergate !!!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Aug, 2005 12:17 pm
DontTreadOnMe wrote:
pin the tail on the bubba is so over, dude.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Aug, 2005 12:46 pm
If Clinton legally lied then he would have been charged with perjury. He wasn't, he was charged with contempt of court and then lost his license to practice law.

But like DTOM and others have said, bringing up clinton is tired.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Aug, 2005 12:50 pm
Re: Tico
BumbleBeeBoogie wrote:
I'm returning to my policy of ignoring you which, somehow, I forgot to continue. Me bad! Saves lots of key strokes, too.


You mean all this time I've been blessed by a policy I didn't even know about? Keen.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Aug, 2005 12:53 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
FreeDuck wrote:
... We didn't feel like he was lying to us, no matter how hard the righties tried to tell us that he did.

You didn't feel he was lying to you whan he said this:

Now, I have to go back to work on my State of the Union speech. And I worked on it until pretty late last night. But I want to say one thing to the American people. I want you to listen to me. I'm going to say this again. I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky. I never told anybody to lie, not a single time - never. These allegations are false. And I need to go back to work for the American people.

That was Clinton on TV on January 26, 1998. Here's the VIDEO, in case you've forgotten.

How could you think he wasn't lying to you?

hey, you're a lawyer. according to what i've read, when the prosecutors created the list of acts constituting sexual relations, they did NOT include oral sex.

according to their declared definitions, clinton DIDN'T have sexual relations with lewinsky. so he didn't lie according to the law.

and no, i don't think being badgered into discussing your personal sex life by a republican led congress THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN PAYING ATTENTION TO THE RISE OF ISLAMIC TERRORISM is much of a moral victory.

especially when led by a hypocritical gingrich who divorced his first wife while she was in cancer treatment and then left his second wife for a congressional aide nearly half his age. superior values my ass.

it is a rather monumental failure of stewardship though.

so next time bin laden or one of his toadies blows the hell out of one of our cities, you can be comforted by the thought that that is morally preferable to monica lewinsky blowing the hell outta "bubba".
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Aug, 2005 12:58 pm
The real victory for Tico is that, once again, we are discussing Clinton and not the current gang of liars and thugs.

Enough with the thread hijack!



Rep. John Conyers

Why Won't Scooter Libby Grant Judith Miller a Personal Waiver?

August is typically a month of no news. Congress goes on its summer recess. The President takes a long vacation. A very long one. For those in the White House press corps who are not so fortunate to be assigned to bake in the Crawford, Texas sun, they too take vacations (though not as long as the President's).

This August is different. If you listen closely enough, you can hear the slow drip of scandal turning into a waterfall of corruption and coverups in the Bush White House. On the internet, new pieces of the puzzle are coming together. My friend and the proprietor of this blog, Arianna Huffington seems to have the best sources inside the New York Times newsroom and has led many of us to begin asking whether Judith Miller's refusal to testify is not what it seems.

Picking up this thread over the weekend is an overlooked investigative piece in the American Prospect Magazine's online edition. In case you missed it, in a piece entitled "The Meeting," investigative reporter Murray Waas uncovers some new information about Treason-gate, Miller's refusal to testify and Vice Presidential Chief of Staff Scooter Libby's possible complicity in a coverup.

The article should be read in its entirety, but here are a few highlights:

-- Libby met with Judith Miller on July 8, 2003 and discussed CIA operative Valerie Plame. This meeting, six days before the publication of Robert Novak's infamous column outing Mrs. Joe Wilson (Valerie Plame), is a "central focus" of the Fitzgerald investigation.

-- The kicker: "Sources close to the investigation, and private attorneys representing clients embroiled in the federal probe, said that Libby's failure to produce a personal waiver may have played a significant role in Miller's decision not to testify about her conversations with Libby, including the one on July 8, 2003."

The President has, of course, directed his staff to "fully cooperate" with the probe. Make no mistake about it, if Waas's sources are right, Libby is not cooperating. In fact, while right wing pundits continually claim that the White House has not obstructed the Fitzgerald investigation, these new disclosures indicate that a top White House staffer is essentially directing a reporter to invoke a privilege on his behalf to keep the Special Prosecutor from learning the truth. Remember the hue and cry from conservatives when it was the Clinton Administration invoking privileges on what was not a matter of national security, but a private sexual affair? Where are they now?

The course for Libby is clear. He should obey the President's directive and immediately give Miller his personal waiver to testify about any conversations he may have had with her that are within the purview of the Grand Jury. Today, I and along with my colleagues Louise Slaughter, Maurice Hinchey and Rush Holt, wrote to Libby asking him to do just that. Waas has the letter on his blog.

If he refuses, the President faces a choice. He can show he means what he says and fire an employee who is so obviously obstructing the search for the truth. Or he can continue to tolerate such behavior and thereby make clear what many suspect -- when it comes to getting to the bottom of who did this vile act, he is all talk.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Aug, 2005 01:35 pm
I agree. Enough of all hijacking.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Aug, 2005 01:46 pm
I have one question for all of you that are saying that Bush lied to get us into this war.

Where was your outrage when JFK and LBJ,both DEMOCRATS,lied and got us into Vietnam?
Where was your outrage when FDR,a DEMOCRAT,lied and got us into WW2?
Where was your outrage when Woodrow Wilson,a DEMOCRAT,lied and got us into WW1?

Your "outrage" now is purely partisan,at least be adult enough to admit it.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Aug, 2005 01:51 pm
Eisenhower first sent U.S. troops to Vietnam. Certainly Kennedy and Johnson were responsible, but not more so than Eisenhower or Nixon, both of whom were involved with that war. First of all, your silly argument assumes that those who are angry with the Shrub for his lies were not angry over those matters, something about which you know nothing. Second, you assume that these people whom you name "lied" to get us into wars. Describe the lies, put up or shut up. I for one would be highly amused to see your evidence.

Since your cynicism about people's motivation is purely partisan, be adult enough to admit it.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Aug, 2005 02:13 pm
One last response to DTOM:

DontTreadOnMe wrote:
hey, you're a lawyer. according to what i've read, when the prosecutors created the list of acts constituting sexual relations, they did NOT include oral sex.

according to their declared definitions, clinton DIDN'T have sexual relations with lewinsky. so he didn't lie according to the law.

In and of itself, lying is not a crime. To commit perjury, Clinton must have taken an oath to testify truthfully. So only his lies made under oath might qualify as purgery. The Supreme Court has set a relatively high standard for determining whether a statement is false for purposes of perjury law. Misleading testimony, coupled with an intent to mislead is not the legal standard in deciding whether someone made a false statement under federal perjury law. The issue is whether a witness may be convicted of perjury for an answer, under oath, that is literally true but not responsive to the question asked and misleading by negative implication. And nobody can be convicted of perjury based on only one other person's testimony.

When Clinton was asked, "At any time were you and Monica Lewinsky alone together in the Oval Office?", his response was, "I don't recall ..." Do you find that factually accurate?

Clinton was careful not to make an outright denial, and instead he responded that he remembered one or two times when Lewinsky came to drop off some papers for him in the Oval Office. This was apparently true, because Monica did go to the Oval Office and brought some papers. But he failed to mention that she did more than just drop off some papers. Oh, and it develops that they were alone like 10 to 15 times.

How about this exchange:

Q. Certainly if it happened, nothing remarkable would have occurred?

A. No, nothing remarkable. I don't remember it.

You think that was a factually accurate statement?

We know Clinton lied because of his desire to mislead, knowing full well he was telling an untruth. That isn't the case with Bush. That's what you anti-Bush folks can't seem to understand .... you insist that he started the war on false pretenses, and "lied" to get us to war, but it's just not the case.

In his sworn deposition in the Paula Jones lawsuit, Clinton swore under oath as follows:

Deposition in the Jones sexual harassment lawsuit

January 17, 1998

(The full text of the deposition is also online.)

Q. At any time were you and Monica Lewinsky alone together in the Oval Office?

A. I don't recall (BS), but as I said, when she worked at the legislative affairs office, they always had somebody there on the weekends. I typically worked some on the weekends. Sometimes they'd bring me things on the weekends. She - it seems to me she brought things to me once or twice on the weekends. In that case, whatever time she would be in there, drop it off, exchange a few words and go, she was there. I don't have any specific recollections of what the issues were, what was going on, but when the Congress is there, we're working all the time, and typically I would do some work on one of the days of the weekends in the afternoon.

Q. So I understand, your testimony is that it was possible, then, that you were alone with her, but you have no specific recollection of that ever happening?

A. Yes, that's correct. (BS) It's possible that she, in, while she was working there, brought something to me and that at the time she brought it to me, she was the only person there. That's possible.

. . .

Q. Have you ever met with Monica Lewinsky in the White House between the hours of midnight and six a.m.?

A. I certainly don't think so.

Q. Have you ever met -

A. Now, let me just say, when she was working there, during, there may have been a time when we were all - we were up working late. There are lots of, on any given night, when the Congress is in session, there are always several people around until late in the night, but I don't have any memory of that. I just can't say that there could have been a time when that occurred, I just - but I don't remember it. (BS)

Q. Certainly if it happened, nothing remarkable would have occurred?

A. No, nothing remarkable. I don't remember it.(BS)

. . .

Q. Did you have an extramarital sexual affair with Monica Lewinsky?

A. No.(BS)

Q. If she told someone that she had a sexual affair with you beginning in November of 1995, would that be a lie?

A. It's certainly not the truth. It would not be the truth.(BS)

Q. I think I used the term "sexual affair." And so the record is completely clear, have you ever had sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky, as that term is defined in Deposition Exhibit 1, as modified by the Court.

. . .

A. I have never had sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky. I've never had an affair with her.

Clinton relied upon the definition of "sexual relations" drawn up by Paula Jones' attorneys during his deposition testimony ... but only in a part of his testimony. For when they asked him questions about Lewinsky's affidavit, and asked him when she said she never had "a sexual relationship" with Clinton, whether that was accurate, and he said "absolutely," he later clarified that what he assumed was meant by the phrase, "sexual relationship" was the usual and ordinary meaning of the terms, which in his mind meant intercourse, which he said he did not have, and thus he believed she was being accurate when she swore out the affidavit. Clinton's sole purpose was to mislead.

The definition was as follows:

For the purposes of this definition, a person engages in "sexual relations" when the person knowingly engages in or causes …
(1) contact with the genitalia, anus, groin, breast, inner thigh, or buttocks of any person with an intent to gratify or arouse the sexual desire of any person…
"Contact" means intentional touching, either directly or through clothing.

Because Lewinsky engaged in oral sex on him, rather than vice versa, Clinton argued that Lewinsky had engaged in contact with one his relevant body parts, and therefore under the definition she had had sexual relations with him. He argued that he had never engaged in contact with one of her listed body parts for the purpose of sexually gratifying either him or her, so that under the definition he had not engaged in "sexual relations" with her.

As Clinton understood the definition, if a man kissed a woman's breasts for the purpose of sexual gratification, that constituted "sexual relations," while allowing a woman to stimulate his private parts would not, because in that situation the woman would be engaging in sexual relations, while the man would not be. It's an absurd distinction, and is one reason he's referred to as "Slick Willie."

Clinton also lied about the affair in an interview with Jim Lehrer, in a telephone interview with Roll Call, and an interview with NPR, all on January 21, 1998.


Clinton also denied the affair with Lewinsky in a sworn affidavit he filed in the Paula Jones lawsuit.


Six months later, when it was clear his lies were catching up to him, he came clean. On August 17, 1998, after Lewinsky testified about their sexual encounters, Clinton testified before a grand jury and admitted to the affair. He also said the following on national TV:

As you know, in a deposition in January, I was asked questions about my relationship with Monica Lewinsky. While my answers were legally accurate, I did not volunteer information. Indeed, I did have a relationship with Ms. Lewinsky that was not appropriate. In fact, it was wrong. It constituted a critical lapse in judgment and a personal failure on my part for which I am solely and completely responsible.

But I told the grand jury today and I say to you now that at no time did I ask anyone to lie, to hide or destroy evidence or to take any other unlawful action.

I know that my public comments and my silence about this matter gave a false impression. I misled people, including even my wife. I deeply regret that.


As I said, Clinton is a self-admitted liar, and he lied under oath.

DTOM wrote:
so next time bin laden or one of his toadies blows the hell out of one of our cities, you can be comforted by the thought that that is morally preferable to monica lewinsky blowing the hell outta "bubba".

As I've said any number of times, I could give a rat's ass whether Clinton got a "Monica" in the Oval Office. But I don't condone lying, especially lying under oath, which is what Clinton did. And that has nothing to do with bin Laden.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Aug, 2005 02:17 pm
mysteryman wrote:
I have one question for all of you that are saying that Bush lied to get us into this war.

Where was your outrage when JFK and LBJ,both DEMOCRATS,lied and got us into Vietnam?

In utero.

Where was your outrage when FDR,a DEMOCRAT,lied and got us into WW2?
Where was your outrage when Woodrow Wilson,a DEMOCRAT,lied and got us into WW1?

These would have had to have been in a past life, speaking personally.

Your "outrage" now is purely partisan,at least be adult enough to admit it.

BS. I abhor war and especially when entered under false pretenses, no matter what the political party of the liar. I'm not a Democrat nor have I ever been and have no interest in any political party. And I'm not the only one.

Ok, sorry for my contribution to the thread hijack, but I couldn't resist.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Aug, 2005 02:18 pm
Setanta wrote:
Eisenhower first sent U.S. troops to Vietnam. Certainly Kennedy and Johnson were responsible, but not more so than Eisenhower or Nixon, both of whom were involved with that war. First of all, your silly argument assumes that those who are angry with the Shrub for his lies were not angry over those matters, something about which you know nothing. Second, you assume that these people whom you name "lied" to get us into wars. Describe the lies, put up or shut up. I for one would be highly amused to see your evidence.

Since your cynicism about people's motivation is purely partisan, be adult enough to admit it.

Easy to do.
The US involvement was increased after the "Gulf of Tonkin" incident,in which North Vietnamese patrol boats are supposed to have attacked a US destroyer.


This link clearly states that the issue was fabricated by the WH.


So I think even you must admit that they LIED to get us into Vietnam.

Here is just one link to information that shows Roosevelt KNEW in advance about the attack on PH and did nothing...

The accepted reason that we got into WW1 was because the Germans sank the Lusitania,killing American civilians by attacking a passengere ship.

BUT,it was more then a passenger ship.


" She is believed to have instead carried, under the guise of bales of fur and cheese boxes, 3-inch shells and millions of rounds of rifle ammunition."

Now,since Wilson wanted into that war,and since he had to have a reason,then most likely he either knew about or ordered these weapons to be loaded.
Once those munitions were loaded,then the Germans had every right to sink her.
Wilson knew they would,and he then lied about it,claiming that it was a peaceful merchant ship.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Aug, 2005 03:06 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
DTOM wrote:
so next time bin laden or one of his toadies blows the hell out of one of our cities, you can be comforted by the thought that that is morally preferable to monica lewinsky blowing the hell outta "bubba".

As I've said any number of times, I could give a rat's ass whether Clinton got a "Monica" in the Oval Office. But I don't condone lying, especially lying under oath, which is what Clinton did. And that has nothing to do with bin Laden.

tico, you only quoted the part that suited your purpose; you ignored this...

and no, i don't think being badgered into discussing your personal sex life by a republican led congress THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN PAYING ATTENTION TO THE RISE OF ISLAMIC TERRORISM is much of a moral victory.

first, i really think bill, when first confronted with lewinsky, should have just fessed up. "yup, i did it. it was good. now, about this ethnic cleansing stuff and that bin laden guy... any ideas, newty ?"

that would have avoided a lot of problems. and since the whitewater and jones and flowers crap all boiled down to the arkansas project, i.e. mellon-scaife trying to bring down the democrat president, with assistance from ann coulter, there was no "there" as the saying goes.

now what perplexes me, is why aren't you bothered by the fact that the gingrich led republican dominated congress of the '90s spent all of that time and 60+million dollars on trying to wack clinton instead of doing anything on the rising number of islamic terrorist attacks against the u.s and others.

you realize that all of that stuff was happening while newty, lott, hatch and alla those other real americans were playing "kill bill", right ?

do you think america would be better off, and probably have acted on atta and avoided 9/11 if the congress had focused on the threats to america and not the threats clinton posed to their uptight, and in gingrich and packwood's case, hypocritical morals ?

it also perplexes me that you don't apply the same standards to ronald reagan who "i don't recall(ed)" his way through iran-contra. with good old ollie north and foxy fawn hall.

do you think, perhaps, that america would be better off if that little arms for hostages deal hadn't taken place ?


there would have been no negotiating with a terrorist regime in tehran.

there would have been no need to back and supply saddam hussein in the iraq-iran war.

which then means, no gassing the kurds, no rape rooms,no mass graves, no invasion of kuwait, no gulf war I.

no gulf war II...

no threat from iran, now strongly in the grasp of islamic fundis, of building nuclear plants and weapons.

if "i don't recall" is okay in one case, it must be in all cases. otherwise it's a double standard.
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