Rove was the source of the Plame leak... so it appears

Reply Fri 29 Jul, 2005 04:11 pm
OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is still on the "not covert' canard!!!!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 29 Jul, 2005 04:12 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
I always figured that a ultra-manly avatar posing with an ultra-male symbol is, well, compensating for something, don't you think?

If only Ahnold was in a sportscar or hummer, the image would be complete.


Well, I have no desire to find out and, besides, I don't own a microscope.
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Reply Fri 29 Jul, 2005 04:58 pm
Joe Nation wrote:
So it would be nice to see Karl Rove frog-marched out of the White House, it would. Do I wish him ill tidings? Yes, but justice too. I want him to have severe migraines and be indicted. I want some unknown kind of crusty boil to form itself on his neck and I want him to go to trial over these matters and lose. I want him to have the shingles and swollen ankles, the gout and double vision, and receive a just sentence and a large fine.
Joe(Condi had to shut him up a couple of times.)Nation

you forgot rickets, the heartbreak of psoriasis, hemhoroids, ingrown toenails (with unsightly fungus), hives, warts, a stye, vericose veins, sleep apneia, erectile dysfunction, permanent hayfever, really bad b.o. that won't go away, man boobs and a big nasty mole with a hair growing out of it... right on the tip of his long nose.

and if they bunked him up with a huge, gnarly 1%er that was looking for love, i wouldn't complain.

now that's what i wish for dear, gentle karl just for the vicious way that he's manipulated himself into the catbird seat and set a lot of total crap in motion...

if he's proven to have had any hand in all of this plame thing, the list is gonna get a whole lot longer.

have more names on it too, i'd think. :wink:
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Reply Fri 29 Jul, 2005 05:01 pm
Will you retract you hateful garbage if its proven that he wasnt the leak?

Or do you just hate all republicans?
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Reply Fri 29 Jul, 2005 05:08 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
parados wrote:
Interesting how none of your quotes refer directly to CIA. THe CIA DIRECTLY made the decision to recommend a criminal investigation.

Your argument Tico seems to be that if any Joe Schmoe disputes something we should take their questions seriously. Should we have taken seriously the questions of every war proterster leading up to this war?

Bush almost choked on a pretzel. There were articles written about how he was drinking in order to do that. SHould we take them seriously?

You and your ilk are of the mind that Rove should be terminated right now, and he should be imprisoned for his role in the leak of information that resulted in Valerie Plame, undercover operative for the CIA, being "outed." It is important to know whether what was done was a crime. Therefore, it is important to examine the crime which you think was violated. It is this analysis that has resulted in the question whether Plame qualifies as a "covert agent" under the IIPA, and the question that has caused you to pucker.
Nice straw man Tico. You sure you used ENOUGH STRAW? I never said Rove should be imprisoned. I never said the courts shouldn't examine your question. I have only said that based on the information in the public domain it is difficult to NOT reach the conclusion that she was covered because without that there would be no investigation. It is highly likely Rove will not be jailed or even indicted. But go ahead make your ilk statements after you have gone on and on about how everyone else is doing to Rove what you now do to me.

I don't follow your summary of what my "argument" is. I have asked a simple question ... your dogged refusal to admit that the question remains unanswered as of now, and my attempts to explain this to you (and others) has apparently resulted in your (and others) faulty belief that I am making an argument, when I'm not. The only argument, I suppose, attributable to me is that one should take pause and assess the facts as we know them to be before jumping to the conclusion that a violation of the IIPA has occurred. You are content to rush to that judgment .... I am merely pointing out that you are doing so without all relevant facts at your disposal.
The question is only unanswered in your absolute world. It is very easy to see that the CIA, the DoJ and the prosecuter had to answer that question before they could even proceed. It might not stand up eventually but as for now it has been answered well enough to proceed. Perhaps you should pause and look at the facts as we know them. The CIA determined that Plame was covert before forwarding the information to DoJ. WIthout that determination there would be no basis for them to claim they talked to the DoJ about the criminal outing of a covert agent. You ARE arguing when you refuse to address answers to your question. You pass them off as not good enough. You bring up statements by people that would NOT have a clue as evidence that the question needs to be asked. A child that continues to ask for candy after being told no and having it explained to him would be arguing. You are arguing or should I refer to it as "throwing a tantrum?"

There is a difference between an INFORMED decision like the CIA did and an UNINFORMED question like you are proposing. What evidence do you have of the CIA bringing Plame back because her identity was revealed? It looks like you don't have any other than a statement by a RW pundit that doesn't have access to classified information. The overwhelming information from those that SHOULD know all lead to the same conclusion.

The only "evidence" I have is a report that she was brought back in 1997 because of Ames. I do not claim that it is accurate, I merely throw it out there. I take my Kristoff with a grain of salt. But do you have any evidence to suggest it is inaccurate, or are you simply discounting it. Don't you think that the CIA would keep that sort of information classified -- you know, along with the info on whether Plame has served abroad in the 5 years leading up to the leak?
What report? You provided NO SOURCE. I provide CIA letterhead that discussed the contacts with DoJ concerning the release of a name of an undercover agent. It's not much of a leap to go from contacts by the CIA with DoJ about the possible criminal release of a name of an undercover agent to get to the point that they CHECKED to see if she was covered. It would be REQUIRED that they checked otherwise they couldn't meet the standard to make it criminal.
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Reply Fri 29 Jul, 2005 05:22 pm
mysteryman wrote:
Will you retract you hateful garbage if its proven that he wasnt the leak?

Or do you just hate all republicans?

hateful garbage ? hmmm. no i don't think it is. hateful garbage would have been much much meaner. probably it would include having karl baby join me in the zipper club or something equally painful.

so no, i won't retract it. but like i said in the post, if he's proven to have no involvement, which i find highly unlikely, i won't add to it.

no, i don't hate all republicans. i didn't use the word republican, did i? i said karl rove. him, i don't have much use for.

so i guess the real question is, if rove is proven to be involved in the palme thing, will you then add to the list?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 29 Jul, 2005 06:58 pm
Joe Nation and DTOM
Laughed and laughed and laughed some more.

Now don't look to me about the lock-down. I wasn't around.

Let's see now:
Horned green tomato caterpillars coming out of his nose, fire ants up his ass, LOL, LOL
0 Replies
Reply Fri 29 Jul, 2005 08:58 pm
sumac wrote:
Joe Nation and DTOM
Laughed and laughed and laughed some more.

Now don't look to be about the lock-down. I wasn't around.

Let's see now:
Horned green tomato caterpillars coming out of his nose, fire ants up his ass, LOL, LOL

there ya go, sumac ! that's the spirit of the thing ! Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Fri 29 Jul, 2005 09:07 pm
trying to get back on the email notification of this thing.....
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Reply Fri 29 Jul, 2005 09:10 pm
I think that this thread is too long, and that is part of the problem. I tried to get another one going when this was locked down tighter than a witch's twat, but can't even find it now. It was titled something like Fitzgerald Investigation. Blatham? New discussion here?
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Region Philbis
Reply Fri 29 Jul, 2005 09:34 pm
Region Philbis wrote:
0 Replies
Reply Fri 29 Jul, 2005 10:09 pm
parados wrote:
The question is only unanswered in your absolute world. It is very easy to see that the CIA, the DoJ and the prosecuter had to answer that question before they could even proceed. It might not stand up eventually but as for now it has been answered well enough to proceed.

In order to convince yourself of this, you have concluded that because the CIA has forwarded the matter to the DOJ, a crime must have been committed. That is not the standard. Perhaps you are not aware of it, but many charges are brought to prosecutors by law enforcement when there is not even evidence to show a crime was committed, and certainly not sufficient evidence to prove a case against the defendant. These cases often don't get charged, but sometimes do, and following the indictment, are weeded out at the preliminary hearing. Occasionally these cases make it to trial. Your statement that the question "has been answered" demonstrates a naivete one should not be proud to exhibit.

Perhaps you should pause and look at the facts as we know them. The CIA determined that Plame was covert before forwarding the information to DoJ. WIthout that determination there would be no basis for them to claim they talked to the DoJ about the criminal outing of a covert agent.

You disagree with your friend Cyclops on this point, you realize.

You ARE arguing when you refuse to address answers to your question. You pass them off as not good enough.

As I've said, the only argument I've made is arguing with you, and your ilk, about whether the case has been made that Plame is a "covert agent." I'm not arguing that she is or isn't, just that the case hasn't been made, and no evidence has been presented to substantiate that she is.

You bring up statements by people that would NOT have a clue as evidence that the question needs to be asked.

Did you think that sentence made a lot of sense when you wrote it?

parados wrote:
Tico wrote:
parados wrote:
There is a difference between an INFORMED decision like the CIA did and an UNINFORMED question like you are proposing. What evidence do you have of the CIA bringing Plame back because her identity was revealed? It looks like you don't have any other than a statement by a RW pundit that doesn't have access to classified information. The overwhelming information from those that SHOULD know all lead to the same conclusion.

The only "evidence" I have is a report that she was brought back in 1997 because of Ames. I do not claim that it is accurate, I merely throw it out there. I take my Kristoff with a grain of salt. But do you have any evidence to suggest it is inaccurate, or are you simply discounting it. Don't you think that the CIA would keep that sort of information classified -- you know, along with the info on whether Plame has served abroad in the 5 years leading up to the leak?

What report? You provided NO SOURCE. I provide CIA letterhead that discussed the contacts with DoJ concerning the release of a name of an undercover agent. It's not much of a leap to go from contacts by the CIA with DoJ about the possible criminal release of a name of an undercover agent to get to the point that they CHECKED to see if she was covered. It would be REQUIRED that they checked otherwise they couldn't meet the standard to make it criminal.

I told you I only had that article written by Nicholas Kristof. Do you know what info Kristof has available to him? What makes you so sure he doesn't have access to classified info?

Your CIA letter is evidence of the CIA satisfying their legal obligation to forward a case to the Dept. of Justice when they suspect a possible violation of the law. They think the release of undercover operative Plame is, or ought to be, a violation of the law. You don't know the extent of any internal debate at the CIA concerning the legal implications surrounding this event. You don't know whether the CIA has decided that rather than make the legal determination regarding whether a crime has been violated -- a crime that has only been prosecuted one other time so there is a dearth of case law as precedent -- rather than making that decision at the agency level, and because they feel that any leak of an undercover operative is a serious -- and criminal -- matter, they forwarded the matter to the DOJ for their determination. Perhaps they were upset at the fact that this information was disclosed, and wanted to have the matter pushed as far as possible, and not forwarding the matter to the DOJ would not accomplish that goal. Makes much more sense to forward the matter to the DOJ for possible violation of law. Draw some attention to the matter ... possibly get the law modified and improved, providing better protection to "undercover operatives." Perhaps they think some other law was possibly violated. You are making a big assumption in your thinking. You seem fairly intelligent. I have no idea why you are incapable of acknowledging this point.

Here is Kristof's column:

Secrets of the Scandal

Published: October 11, 2003

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Joe Nation
Reply Sat 30 Jul, 2005 04:14 am
This scandal leaves everybody stinking.

No. It doesn't. Only the leakers and Bob Novak stink. This effort to skewer any anti-Bush statement went too far, but this administration cannot admit any error. There is a psychiatric condition that parallels such behavior in individuals, but this is the first time it has been seen as an institutional hallmark.

Trying to spread the stink around, K says this:
...the Democrats cheapen the debate with calls, at the very beginning of the process, for a special counsel to investigate the White House. Hillary Rodham Clinton knows better than anyone how destructive and distracting a special counsel investigation can be, interfering with the basic task of governing, and it's sad to see her display the same pusillanimous partisanship that Republicans showed just a few years ago.

(As if they have given that attitude up lately Rolling Eyes )

Yes, it is sad, and necessary to fight fire with fire against those who would tell anyone in opposition to their efforts to sit down and shut up. Well, too bad, the investigation goes forward into whether or not a person who was a great hand grenade thrower and terrific shot with an AK who worked for a shell CIA company and who was known only to her co-workers by a truncated name ought to be used for partisan purposes. Golly, you think?

Bob Novak says he didn't think anyone would be endangered. Bob Novak is a pompous ass and a shill for the current administration. K says:
Working abroad in ugly corners of the world, American journalists often learn the identities of American C.I.A. officers, but we never publish their names.
That's because they are journalists. Bob Novak ought to register as the lobbyist flack he is.

Tico wants everyone to wait until all the evidence is in before we make a judgement. Good. That's a good thing to do. I'm waiting. I'm waiting here deep in the weeds, happy as a child waiting for Christmas, ready to pounce and eat deeply on the cracked bones of Rove, Hadley, I. Lewis Libbey et al. I can't help it. I hunger for justice.

Joe(trying to twist as many metaphors in here as possible)Nation
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Reply Sat 30 Jul, 2005 06:43 am
Yes, RP, that is the site of the joint I opened for a continuing discussion from here:


But, it will only work if everyone switches over to it.

This thread is clearly too long and is creating problems for the hamsters. When I click on the link in the email notification that I am now again receiving, it takes me to the message that "that topic does not exist or has been moved to a resricted area." Having access to the Debate Forum, I checked there. Nope.

It is up to everyone here. Stay here, or switch over to a new thread.
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Reply Sat 30 Jul, 2005 09:07 am
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Reply Sat 30 Jul, 2005 09:09 am
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Reply Sat 30 Jul, 2005 10:11 am
Great 'toons, Snood. And a perfect way to end this discussion. Very Happy

Looks like everybody's gone over to the new discussion thread.
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Reply Sat 30 Jul, 2005 11:25 am
Joe Nation wrote:
Tico wants everyone to wait until all the evidence is in before we make a judgement. Good. That's a good thing to do.

Yes it is, Joe. Yes it is.
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Reply Sat 30 Jul, 2005 12:00 pm
Tico, if you are going to insist on being such an empiricist, you should really be a research scientist.
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Reply Sat 30 Jul, 2005 03:48 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
parados wrote:
The question is only unanswered in your absolute world. It is very easy to see that the CIA, the DoJ and the prosecuter had to answer that question before they could even proceed. It might not stand up eventually but as for now it has been answered well enough to proceed.

In order to convince yourself of this, you have concluded that because the CIA has forwarded the matter to the DOJ, a crime must have been committed. That is not the standard. Perhaps you are not aware of it, but many charges are brought to prosecutors by law enforcement when there is not even evidence to show a crime was committed, and certainly not sufficient evidence to prove a case against the defendant. These cases often don't get charged, but sometimes do, and following the indictment, are weeded out at the preliminary hearing. Occasionally these cases make it to trial. Your statement that the question "has been answered" demonstrates a naivete one should not be proud to exhibit.

Your attempt to ignore the standard that CIA was required to meet and what they said they met is what shows naivete. The EO requires that they forward all POSSIBLE crimes to DoJ. It isn't POSSIBLE to be a crime if she wasn't covert. You can argue this all day Tico. It doesn't change the facts of what is required to rise to the standard of a crime in order be forwarded. The CIA forwarded the report as required by Executive Order for any evidence of a possible crime. The CIA lawyers examined the evidence BEFORE they forwarded it. In order for you argument to have any validity here Tico then the CIA lawyers would have to be incompetent and not understand what constitutes a crime. They forwarded it as REQUIRED by a EO that states POSSIBLE crimes are to be sent to DoJ. It could NOT be forwarded because they were "unhappy".
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