Thu 5 Mar, 2020 05:03 am
Any idea on this one? Augustus John was a potential but it's unlikely to be by him.
Possibly French, titled Portrait d'enfant Anglaise
German Expressionists with some similarities Lovis Corinth, Marie-Louise Von Motesiczky
Looks good, nice picture of the note on back. "Portrait of an English infant".
Great brush detail.
Any chance you'd carefully remove the cardboard and show a detail of the frame corner and the canvas. I think this may be later 1921.
Maybe a close up of the signature?
@bobsal u1553115,
Thanks for your thoughts. The painting is painted on card and is 34cmx25cm
You can see a closeup of the signature here - its the second image.
I believe it says Loire 1921 with the artists name illegible above that.