New Law in Spain: Mucho Chores for Macho Men

Reply Sun 26 Jun, 2005 10:03 am
Mucho chores for macho men with Spain's new law

Dale Fuchs in Madrid
Sunday June 26, 2005
The Observer

Valentin Lopez is lucky he got married in time. The hospital worker says he shares the housework with his wife, but he gropes for examples. 'Well, I clear the dinner table, I wash the dishes and every now and then I make the bed,' he concludes sheepishly.
Were he to marry this summer, López, 45, would need to learn how to iron quickly. Under a reformed civil code, marriage contracts in Spain will include a pledge to share housework, child rearing and care for the elders.

'It's a symbolic gesture, but it sends a message,' said Margarita Uría, the parliamentarian who pushed for the change. 'This isn't about arguing "I ironed two shirts, you ironed one shirt".'

The new clause is expected to win final passage in the Spanish Senate this week - oddly, as part a sweeping reform of the country's divorce law.

Soon couples who opt for a civil wedding will also say 'I do' to an equal partnership in washing socks, picking up the children from school and taking mothers-in-law to the doctor, jobs that usually fall to women.

The average Spanish man spends only 44 minutes a day on housework and 51 minutes on child care, a recent survey by the Labour Ministry's Institute of Women showed. Their wives spend nearly six hours.

Standing outside the Civil Registry, bride Conchi Redonda, 24, counts her blessings. Her bridegroom, Pablo Calvache, 30, often cooks, cleans the house and takes their three-year-old to school whenever he can, even though she does not work outside the home. '

'I hit the lottery,' she said. 'All my friends say how lucky I am.'

Soon men such as Calvache may not be so rare. 'I know many couples in which the men have required a paradigm shift and they've risen to the occasion,' said couples' counsellor Claire Jasinski. Spanish men, she said, often expect to play a small role in child-rearing and are often 'cranky' when they discover they will not come home to 'bathed children, slippers and a Martini.'

But most adapt - even if they end up 'making all the clothes pink' by washing whites with colours.

The new marriage clause is only the latest scheme to coax Spanish men into pushing a vacuum. In 2002, the Madrid district of Barajas published a Manual for Housewives-Househusbands with advice on delicate problems such as how to turn on the washing machine. That same year another district in suburban Madrid organised a survival skills workshop for men, which attracted a dozen elderly and middle-aged divorcés, but no newlyweds.

The government even spent €1.7 million (£1.1m) on a humourous campaign in 2003 to raise awareness of the problem. The slogan: 'Of course you know how to clean. Why don't you do it?'

Machismo isn't the only reason. Some people blame the workforce, in which job-sharing is rare and bosses rarely grant flexible working hours. Others blame an older generation of mothers who failed to teach their sons to boil an egg.

Another obstacle is the fact that many men do not leave home until their late twenties or even thirties because of high youth unemployment. When they finally land a steady job, they shuttle from their mother's kitchen to their girlfriend's.

Then, of course, there is laziness. 'I know someone who is 33 years old and lives on his own, but he still takes his dirty laundry to his mother's house,' said Almundena Zurita, 28.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Sun 26 Jun, 2005 10:05 am
The (conservative) Daily Telegraph's Opinion on this:

To have and to hold - and to Hoover?
By Melanie McDonagh
(Filed: 25/06/2005)

If you think the institution of marriage is going belly-up in Britain, just fancy what will happen in Spain once a new law about civil marriage comes into effect this month.

The vows that couples take in a civil marriage ceremony are to change. Not only will the spouses have to promise to be faithful, live together and help each other - in itself a tall order - but they will also have to commit to sharing "domestic responsibilities and the care of children and elderly family members".

Of course, wives as well as husbands will have to take the new vows, but since at present 40 per cent of Spanish men do no housework, it's a safe bet that the greater impact will be on husbands. The Spanish parliament's justice commission, which drafted the amendment, is silent about how it will ensure that domestic responsibilities are divided fairly in the home.

However, ministers have suggested that if the couple get divorced - possibly as a result of quarrels about the division of labour - husbands will have a raw deal when it comes to custody of the children if they have been shown to be slouches around the house.

It all seems a little prescriptive, don't you think? Personally, I blame al-Qae'da. Yep, if it hadn't been for the Madrid bombings just before the last election, the Socialists wouldn't have got in - people blamed the ruling conservatives either for annoying al-Qae'da with their Iraq policy, or for unfairly suggesting that Basque separatists were responsible for the bombs.

Anyway, the polls swung to the Socialists, as a result of which Spain has had a raft of measures to introduce swingeing social change, of which this is the latest example.

The last - and far more controversial - measure was the law allowing gay men not only to marry, but to have equal rights to adopt children. The transformation of Spanish social life may be Osama bin Laden's most enduring legacy.

Of course, tweaking civil marriages may not change much - unless it leads to a swing back to church weddings. I mean, the promise to be faithful to each other hasn't done away with adultery. But these things can quickly become a measure of what's seen as acceptable, as what counts as progressive social change. As such, it might just take the fancy of the British Government.

If it does, will it matter? Would British home-life change if men promised to do more around the house?

As so often, it depends how rich you are. The obvious truth is that most well-to-do Brits do not quarrel about who does the ironing. They sub-contract the job to someone else who needs the money. Ditto child-rearing, to a nanny or au pair - though that may change now that the middle classes face fines for employing people who ought not, strictly speaking, to be working in Britain.

I can think of many nice, professional couples who will come horribly unstuck once their nanny's status is scrutinised.

At the other end of the spectrum, many poor families wouldn't be affected either by a change in the marriage ceremony because they don't get married in the first place. That's partly why they're poor. About 40 per cent of children here are born outside marriage and single mothers have to get by without agonising about the politically correct wording of the wedding vow.

That leaves the rest of us. Actually, let's leave me out of it. When it comes to the division of chores, I take the view that cooking is what I do best, and I draw the line at cleaning.

Indeed, when my husband is away, I'm in the embarrassing position of having to find out where the vacuum cleaner is kept. If people are coming round, that is. Otherwise, I don't bother.

But for normal couples, the rule is that women do most of the housework; men do DIY and car maintenance. As the Fawcett Society found, if women in full-time work spend two hours a day doing chores, men spend one hour. Pets and gardening, apparently, are the only areas where the jobs are divided equally, for the obvious reason that they're not boring.

Things are changing, but we're a long way off from a 50:50 division of housework, let alone child-care.

Perhaps women don't actually want to be displaced as their child's primary parent, however much they like men to be involved.

And when it comes to picking a husband, the willingness of the man to do the laundry may be a less important factor for women than, say, looks - shallow beasts that we are.

But the Spaniards are right to think that the personal is political when it comes to housework. More important, the personal is economic.

New research from the University of Essex shows what most of us could have guessed, that married men whose wives stay at home earn more than those whose wives work full-time. It's because "they are able to spend more time developing the skills and contacts that increase their labour market productivity". Well, of course they are.

And if the man, working full-out with the help of a stay-at-home wife, can earn more than he could if he and his wife worked full-time, with housework shared in the approved fashion, why, it may be worth the woman's while to sacrifice the fun of office life for home-making.

It would certainly be worth the man's while to make sure that she feels valued for her trouble. In other words, it's not for the state to decide whether men and women should pull their weight equally around the house. It might not work for everyone.

It's a charmingly optimistic idea, though, that you can change people's conduct by tweaking the marriage vows. Till death do us part seems to be too much for most Brits - adding a clause about housework might put even more people off.
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