Three religions

Reply Wed 6 Jul, 2005 04:35 pm
real life
I will not say what I want to say to you since it would probably get the thread locked. However, trying to get anything across to you is like trying to get an elephant to fly.
If you had even little knowledge and understanding of history you would know that religion, or people in the name of their religion, have committed, time and time again, the type of atrocities I noted. In addition if you were to open your eyes and mind you could see it continues throughout the world today.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Jul, 2005 05:14 pm
Do you wanna know why I converted to Islam and what first attracted me to it???

9-11 was a bad start for Islam and it gave it a bad image.
As American knowing little about Islam, I thought this faith was ordering Muslims to be suicide Bombers and do anything evil. However, I get so confused when I see Muslims in streets and how happy and nice they are. I see women wearing scarves seeming happy, sometimes a group of women with no men around them but still insist in wearing their scarves and look like they really enjoy their time together. I see women with scarves doing whatever any normal women do but I never see any in Bars, Clubs...etc. I see Muslim women in Universities and Libraries, who we all have been told they are oppressed, but still wear their scarves and still enjoy life better than many.

THEN I found out the secret behind that. I found the truth, wisdom and Justice of the Almighty GOD, who gave the people of Israel a unique chance to carry his Commandments but they failed to do so and corrupted the TORAH out of Arrogance and selfishness and maybe because GOD's Commandments were too strict so they thought that without some of GOD's LAWS the Rich can still get Richer and the poor is a slave...ETC but that was a MISTAKE because NOBODY CAN CHANGE GOD's LAWS OR JUST DELETE SOME OF IT AND IF IT HAPPEN THEN THE HOLY BOOK IS NOT HOLY ANYMORE , then failed a second time by trying to KILL Jesus ( Peace Be Upon Him) and letting the followers of Jesus (PBUH) again corrupt the Gospel then GOD sent the Quran and says in it, this time, that HE will protect it from any fabrication until the DAY OF JUDGMENT , the Judgment Day for all Mankind, where the Criminals will be judged and punished severely and no Criminal who got away with his/her crime will be missed and where the righteous and the patient people will be rewarded with the best that GOD ever created. Let's FACE IT !!! DO YOU THINK A KILLER WHO KILL TOUSANDS DESERVES THE SAME DEATH PENALTY AS WHO KILLED ONE ????? THEY BOTH NEED MUCH MORE PUNISHMENT THAN THAT. You know we all gonna die so a death penalty will happen ones but there is the Will of GOD who will best punish accordingly.


I started looking for the reasons why Islam promote Suicide Bombings then I came across something like this:

Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen on Attacking the enemy by blowing oneself up in a car

Question: What is the ruling regarding acts of jihad by means of suicide, such as attaching explosives to a car and storming the enemy, whereby he knows without a doubt that he shall die as a result of this action?

Response: Indeed, my opinion is that he is regarded as one who has killed himself (committed suicide), and as a result he shall be punished in Hell, for that which is authenticated on the authority of the Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam).

[((Indeed, whoever (intentionally) kills himself, then certainly he will be punished in the Fire of Hell, wherein he shall dwell forever)), [Bukhaaree (5778) and Muslim (109 and 110)]].

However, one who is ignorant and does not know, and assumes his action was good and pleasing to Allaah (Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala), then we hope Allaah (Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala) forgives him for that which he did out of (ignorant) ijtihaad, even though I do not find any excuse for him in the present day. This is because this type of suicide is well known and widespread amongst the people, so it is upon the person to ask the people of knowledge (scholars) regarding it, until the right guidance for him is differentiated from the error.

And from that which is surprising, is that these people kill themselves despite Allaah having fordbidden this, as He (Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala) says:

{And do not kill yourselves. Surely, Allaah is Most Merciful to you}, [Soorah an-Nisaa., Aayah 29].

And many amongst them do not desire anything except revenge of the enemy, by whatever means, be it halaal or haraam. So they only want to satisfy their thirst for revenge.

We ask Allaah to bless us with foresight in His Deen and action(s) which please Him, indeed He is all Powerful over all things.

Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen
Kayfa Nu'aalij Waaqi'unaa al-Aleem - Page 119

Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen on Committing suicide

Question: What is the ruling regarding suicide in Islaam?

Response: Suicide is when a person kills himself intentionally by whatever means. This is haraam and regarded as amongst the major sins, and likewise included in the general statement of Allaah (Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala):

{And whoever kills a believer intentionally, his recompense is Hell to abide therein, and the Wrath and the Curse of Allaah are upon him, and a great punishment is prepared for him}, [Soorah an-Nisaa, Aayah 93].

And it is established from the Sunnah on the authority of the Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) who said:

((Indeed, whoever (intentionally) kills himself, then certainly he will be punished in the Fire of Hell, wherein he shall dwell forever)), [Bukhaaree (5778) and Muslim (109 and 110)].

In reality, the one who commits suicide, generally does so because of his desperate situation, either as a direct result of an act of Allaah or a human being. So you find him unable to cope with that which has afflicted him, and in actual fact he is like one who is calling for help from the scorching heat of the fire. So he has progressed from that which was tough (bad) to that which is worse. And if he was patient, then Allaah would have assisted him in dealing with the difficulty.


Let's take Israel and Palestine as an example here.

Who has the Chemical, biological, Nuclear weapons and who has stones only? Who you think in this equation is the more likely to be able to oppress and who can't even if the means were there?

Stop LYING, STOP Being BIASED . Go read the Quran, understand it then you can make a fair Judgment.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Jul, 2005 09:40 pm
Re: Three religions
navigator wrote:
Hi everybody, I don't often write in this forum, but I have this inquiry that

I hope find my answer here; aren't Jewish and Arab Muslims cousins?!.

Shouldn't Christians, Jews, and Muslims have the same God, have books,

have prophets?, so why the fight and killing?

I know it's an old question, but I need convincing answer if there is one. I

also know that Muslims and Christians live together peacfully in some


I hope that I didn't do a mistake askin this question.

Thank you guys

Except in non-islamic countries, muslims legally get away with murdering Christians where ever they live together.
Many Arabs are not even Semitic, let alone Abraham's offspring - though a small percentage are.
That in no way makes their god the GOD of Abraham, any more than Moabites and Ammonites (descendants of Lot) and Edomites (descendants of the twin brother of Jacob) have nescessarilly worshipped the same GOD.
Christianity first spread far and wide as a persecuted Religion, its foothold on countless societies being peacably chosen even when that meant dying for it. islam only began with rape-filled violence, forcing nations that grew freely in large numbers to adopt Christianity to relent of their Christian identity or die.
Even in Israel today, Arabs steal from the non-Arabic Palestinians, their identity - their leadership is not ethnically their own at the top. They are puppets of meddling Arabic muslims.
In Iraq, Arabic, Kurdish, and Turkoman muslims are trying to eradicate the race of the surviving Assyrian and Chaldean Christians, who are the actual aboriginal peoples from the dawn of civilization in the fertile crescent.
There was more than one genocide in recent centuries. Not only the Jewish Holocaust by the Nazis, but the genocides of Christian Greeks, Armenians, and Gypsies, by the tresspassing Turks, from whom Hitler got his ideas, as he even admitted.
Before the Crusades, muslims were making the hearts of millions melt everywhere, doing such things as selling people's precious daughters and wives in the sex trade, trying to eradicate Jews, treating others as less than animals ought to be treated, making pedophelia a norm, desecrating Churches with the blood of their Priests and Parishioners - even circumcizing victims over the Altar, and raping the nuns, etc.
It is a known fact - to those carefully reading the only records that exist - that in addition to the not very large group that first responded to Pope Urban's appeal to help the victims in the East, another, independant group styled themselves knights, and, consisting of those the Catholic Church considered the riffraff of society, swelled in numbers in with the departure of those worthily called Crusaders, and these latter "knights", mainly Germanic, mainly of nations that later spawned the world of Hitler himself, attacked Christian kingdoms while doing all of those killings of Jewish villages often not clearly traced in modern books to their particular contingency which Jew and Catholic alike derided, and which largely died along the way to the Holy Land, following a she-goat and a goose, rather than GOD.
In France, when muslims were first entering lands they and their fathers had never before laid eyes upon, they killed man, woman, and baby of every Jewish community they came upon, and skinned every Priest alive, so that these victims numbered so many that after burying each batch alive, they had to dig them up, to put a new batch in the same soil.
Their filthy hands even went astealing females and little ones as far away as Ireland. They just couldn't leave anyone alone.
The medieval records are by both Jews and Catholics alike, at a time that they were certainly not in cahoots. Even the Arab chroniclers boasted of many of their own people's evils.
On the other hand, let us not any more equate Arabs with muslims. There were four major ethnic divisions of them: one Arabic, one Mongolian, one Turkish, and one Persian. In the country called the "United Arab Emirates", one third of the Arabs there are oppressed Roman Catholics, which means there are a lot of Arabs that do not deserve to be called muslims.
0 Replies
ebrown p
Reply Wed 6 Jul, 2005 10:00 pm
Shame Petros,

Not only is your rant hateful, it is factually wrong.

1) Christianity was not primarily spread peacefully. Starting with the rule of Constantine, Christians killed thousands, including my ancestors (Germans) and many of my family (Latin Americans).

2) Muslims and Jews lived pretty much peaceably together before the beginning of the 20th century. In the 18th and 19th centuries it was much better to be Jewish in a Muslim community, than a Christian one. Ever heard of the Pogroms?

3) Hitler arose from Germany, a Christian country. Christian anti-semitism was present in Germany for generations before Hitler... Starting at least with Martin Luther.

4) There are very few historians-- even Christian ones, who support your view of the Crusades. You are quite extreme indeed.

5) The slave trade was prevalant in Christian countries (e.g. the United States).

6) 7) 8) 9) 10) and 11) I don't have time to go on.

I despise people who fan religious and ethnic hatred with lies.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Wed 6 Jul, 2005 10:04 pm
au1929 wrote:
real life
I will not say what I want to say to you since it would probably get the thread locked. However, trying to get anything across to you is like trying to get an elephant to fly.
If you had even little knowledge and understanding of history you would know that religion, or people in the name of their religion, have committed, time and time again, the type of atrocities I noted. In addition if you were to open your eyes and mind you could see it continues throughout the world today.

If what you want to say is as ridiculous as what you have said, it is probably just as well.

As I pointed out previously and you ignored, there are plenty of atrocities committed by persons using religion and many other bogus motives.

Your continual broadbrush of all Christians today as if they were responsible for the Inquistion, etc is absurd.

If a Walmart employee goes on a shooting spree and kills his co-workers, do we all boycott Walmart, because they obviously train killers there?

Wake up, Au !!

As I recall, my reply at that time to you went something like this:

real life wrote:

And how far back in history are we going to go?

The Romans who fed Christians to the lions 2000 years ago and crucified them by the thousands are guilty. Therefore, let's see, who can I be mad at today for that?

That is not even addressing the obvious fact that Christianity does not condone or promote such behavior, as anyone familiar with the teachings of Christ will certainly know.

So , today, when a public school teacher violates his trust and molests a student (and there are numerous such stories in the media every month about this very topic ) do we broadbrush all public school teachers as pedophiles ?

Let's get an ounce of sense here.

In your mind , obviously , every Christian today is somehow guilty for the atrocities of someone 500 years ago who used the veil of religion to advance their agenda for power, money or position within the government or a church hierarchy.

So , let's see, what's your background? Any German blood in your veins? Oh oh, you Nazi. Any Italian background? You descendant of the Romans, you. How 'bout any Japanese heritage? Ah ha! Pearl Harbor is YOUR fault. Any Egyptian blood? You enslaver of the Jews! Any English ancestry? You oppressor ! And we could go on.......

If you aren't a Christian because you don't want to quit your lifestyle, don't blame it on some guy 300 years ago. Just say " I love my sin and I will not quit . " Look yourself in the mirror and tell it like it is.

It's not your neighbor's fault who's a deacon and swears like a sailor. It's not your cousin's fault who is a lifelong Christian but has a foul temper.

It's your choice what you make of your life. Quit using others as your excuse.

It is time for you to come to grips with that truth and stop the Blame Syndrome.

Good advice then and now.

Broadbrushing all Christians as mass murderers is just a pathetic attempt at dodging the issues at hand.

Now, you mention atrocities committed by Christians "throughout the world today".

Do you have specific knowledge of murder, torture, rape, theft , etc by Christians in the name of their religion today?

Or are you just vomiting hearsay?

If you have specific factual evidence of crimes being committed, it is your duty to do something about it. Have you?


You simply rumormonger and smear and slander with no factual basis.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Jul, 2005 07:41 am
Re: Three religions
petros wrote:

Before the Crusades, muslims were

- making the hearts of millions melt everywhere,
- doing such things as selling people's precious daughters and wives in the sex trade,
- trying to eradicate Jews,
- treating others as less than animals ought to be treated,
- making pedophelia a norm,
- desecrating Churches with the blood of their Priests and Parishioners
- even circumcizing victims over the Altar, and raping the nuns, etc.

i can attest each of those, b4 and till well after the crusades.

you just have to replace a bit though - jews with hindus, churches with temples (pls see here, & for the next three parts, pls replace "1" with 2, 3,4 towards the end of the url) and priests with brahmins (=hindu priests).

petros wrote:

In France, when muslims were first entering lands they and their fathers had never before laid eyes upon, they killed man, woman, and baby of every Jewish community they came upon, and skinned every Priest alive, so that these victims numbered so many that after burying each batch alive, they had to dig them up, to put a new batch in the same soil.
Their filthy hands even went astealing females and little ones as far away as Ireland. They just couldn't leave anyone alone.

if you did a similar replacement - that of france and ireland with india - i can corroborate these too.

petros wrote:
Even the Arab chroniclers boasted of many of their own people's evils.

in the link(s) i supplied, you'll find many allusions to such "arab chroniclers".

petros wrote:

On the other hand, let us not any more equate Arabs with muslims. There were four major ethnic divisions of them: one Arabic, one Mongolian, one Turkish, and one Persian.

so where does the Uzbegs, Tajiks and the Pathan (afghanistani) divisions fit in? and what about the indo-chineese in malayasia and indonesia? and the blacks of africa? there surely are more than 4 types.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Jul, 2005 10:44 pm
ebrown_p wrote:
Shame Petros,

Not only is your rant hateful, it is factually wrong.

1) Christianity was not primarily spread peacefully. Starting with the rule of Constantine, Christians killed thousands, including my ancestors (Germans) and many of my family (Latin Americans).

2) Muslims and Jews lived pretty much peaceably together before the beginning of the 20th century. In the 18th and 19th centuries it was much better to be Jewish in a Muslim community, than a Christian one. Ever heard of the Pogroms?

3) Hitler arose from Germany, a Christian country. Christian anti-semitism was present in Germany for generations before Hitler... Starting at least with Martin Luther.

4) There are very few historians-- even Christian ones, who support your view of the Crusades. You are quite extreme indeed.

5) The slave trade was prevalant in Christian countries (e.g. the United States).

6) 7) 8) 9) 10) and 11) I don't have time to go on.

I despise people who fan religious and ethnic hatred with lies.

No, rather, shame on you! It is hateful for one to ignore the actual recorded facts and a careful reading of their details, just to hold onto false notions.
1)3)For three centuries before Constantine, Martyrs gave their own blood unviolently and all places that Constantine ruled had already swelled great Christian Communities before his birth! How can you ignore that? All of these ante-Nicene Christian Communities were victims of heathen murder from the first, yet had never retaliated, as can be gleaned both from Ecclesiastical Records and from the Edicts and other writings of the Roman persecutors of the Church.
Every Catholic knows that it is mortally dangerous to be without the Sacrament of Communion, Which can only be celebrated with a Priest present. Those Conquestadors that liberated Mexico's larger number of peoples from human sacrifice by one oppressive tribe let the greater number of the Aztecs live on to enjoy a better life with them. The Conquestadors that struck the Incas were neither half as good-hearted, nor at all like-minded - they were not Catholics, but merely Spanish! It is racist to call them Catholics for their ethnicity! They purposely left "Catholic" Spain without bringing a single Priest with them - that is to every Catholic the most appalling proof of their not acting as Catholics, right along with their murders. When Catholic families came (not failing to bring Priests, I might add), these were appalled at the atrocities of the Conquestadors, and sent back to Spain for government-supported Ecclesiastical aid for the Incas' people.
Many native tribes were already committing genocide on one another when Europeans stepped in and had to either pick sides, or chance making a wrong alliance. Christians have often stepped into the middle of situations that either potentially or actively demanded a battle plan.
Those in Latin American places today that are generally violent are also apt to include Priests in their violence, while still Catholic people in those places are some of the warmest, most hospitable people anywhere, hoping for a change in the society they too are oppressed by.
Nazis and potential Nazis were all as a group excommunicated early on, where there was any suspicion or worry of a Catholic becoming one. It was Germanic "knights" considered unruly to practicing Catholics that did the Jew-killings in Europe, and killed Christians in neighboring kingdoms, and sacked Constantinople, etc. Out of these came the Lutheran mindset, which turned against Jews most ferociously, and led up to Naziism. Most Nazis came not out of Catholic backgrounds but protestant ones, and Hitler sought to kill not only Jews but Catholics, many of whom died saving Jews (though some protestants did too) - and these are Germanic heroes.
The Germans came into Europe as torturing barbarians killing and raping Catholics, as Arians (antitrinitarians). When they later halted these actions, they always showed a contrary streak nationally, and often still propagate lies found not in documentary evidence, but in the vanity of the moment in their hearts. (I am part German - one quarter, and there is North American native blood in my family). I am not against being German, but against the conspiracy of a certain chain of nations, that displaces easily locatable fact with nonsense fiction where it suits their culture's cause.
In Japan, what Christian ever was violent? The Church was nearly killed off because the Gospel the Jesuits preached taught nothing of self-defense, but only selfless kindness.
In Canada, the first (and true generation of the Jesuits were wronged (with the worst tortures), but wronged none back. It was these peaceful true Catholics that enemies disbanded as an Order.

2)Pogroms were in deed bad enough, but again, muslims outdid those pogroms long before. The countries exercising these were either traumatized nations in which Spaniards copied to some extent the things they endured 700 years under an islamic yoke, acting out aggression in those that were bitter, who wrongly took it out on Jews (and on Catholic Saints, as far as Inquisitions go - none of the Inquisitors are considered Saints); or the guilty countries held on to a behavior they displayed since their entry of Europe, becoming split off from the Catholic Unity. I have much more to say about the pogroms when I have more than a few minutes before bed.
4)There are very few modern historians that are unapologetic about the facts, and few that refer to many documents of the times referred to, rather than to modern monograms that provide them with a ready patch-work.
5)Even from the beginning, there was a steady effort made to end human slavery, as well as every other kind of evil. For example, if Paul had not really thought that Onesimos should be set free, he wouldn't have tried to impress it on Philemon's mind. The Church has recorded that Onesimos was in deed liberated, and became a Bishop in the Church. Ransom was always a big deal in the Church's history.
Even the heretical literature of countries wherein islam now oppresses women (who are not free there as they might be in America), show that the Gospel showed women they didn't have to sleep any further with one they were not meant to be married to. Such literature could never grow in Syria today.
Every free nation has a Christian effort behind it. Every free nation that abuses its freedom (with pornography, etc.) does so as also turning its back on its benefactor.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 10 Jul, 2005 07:41 pm
good sign in time of crisis -

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