1. 23 years is an awfully long time to be married to one person. Vows made 23 years ago are pretty meaningless, no matter how sacred they were. You were two different people then.
2. You have every right to end the marriage if your partner isn't giving you what you need from the marriage. It sounds like emotional/romantic commitment is important to you. The only important question is what you and she want your marriage to be now.
3. You can't force someone to feel love. If she isn't feeling it, then sorry... that's life. If you could demand love, it wouldn't be love (love has to be something voluntary or it is meaningless).
4. You should consider the possibility that maybe she still loves you and is committed to the relationship,
but just doesn't want to express it in the way you are demanding. If this is the case, you should express what you need and see if you can work it out.
5. You should consider the possibility that maybe she is no longer the right woman for you.
My advice is to go for therapy. If your wife is willing, you could try couples therapy (and I would tell her that it is very important to you). If your wife isn't willing then go yourself. The fact that you are feeling this way means that your marriage is not working right now. You should figure out how to get to a better place.
I am divorced after a marriage that went wonderfully until it didn't. Divorce was definitely the right choice for me. What I learned from my divorce is that my feelings, my wants and my needs are important. When I realized that my partner wasn't meeting my needs (nor I hers) then I knew it was time for me to move on.
There is no way to fix a marriage unless both partners value it enough to make it work.