Sat 25 Jun, 2005 03:58 pm
Hello all;
I'm doing a little research and im looking for detailed answers and ideas concerning the ROLE OF YOUTH IN THE COMMUNITY.
Articles, ideas, quotes, experiences, websites, all can be very helpful.
As a start, my vision of the role of youth in the community is that the youth are important in promoting new, revolutionary values in the society that would be a good substitute for the traditional, ineffective values presently found. In addition, they are important in taking daring initiatives for change in their communities.
Any more ideas???
Big thanks in advance
no ideas?
i thought this is an easy subject...
youth .. the community ? :s
looks like most of those in the forum are old huh? :p
The role of youth is to identify and try to correct the mistakes of their predecessors.
Thank you Merry Andrew for a very meaningful response
Now I have a better idea where to start from.