Mugabe Forbids Food Growing In Backyards - Millions Starving (CHICOM's man in Zimbabwe)
Global Politician ^ | June 23, 2005 | Jan Lamprecht
Mugabe Forbids Food Growing In Backyards - Millions Starving
Jan Lamprecht - 6/23/2005
Just as Eddie Cross of the opposition MDC predicted a short while back, Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe has wiped out homes, and even bulldozed grocery stores - in mid-winter. Eddie Cross estimated two million Blacks will become homeless as a result of the dictator's actions. The UN estimates that this campaign, which has taken only 1 month, has already resulted in 1.5 million Blacks losing their homes. As unbelievable as this may sound, at the time when Zimbabwe needs to import 1.2 million tons of food to support its population, Mugabe has banned people from growing food in their own yards in urban areas to feed their own families. It appears to me that Mr. Mugabe wants to be in complete control of the food supply so that he can starve people at will.
The reasons given for his actions are absoluteely. The people are struggling to get food and stand for hours on end in food queues. The people are just trying to feed themselves in a country which has been on the verge of famine for years, and millions would already starve to death were it not for food from the UN or (secretly) from South Africa. They are, at best, just managing to survive.
In my book, Government by Deception, I wrote about the need for socialist governments to create a dependency on politicians. They work hard, as they try to control the populace, to find ways of making the people depend on them for everything, including food.
So far, only the United States criticized Mugabe's action. South Africa has not only kept quiet, but actually supported the regime, both secretly and openly.
Where is the world?
Mugabe has said he will allow a UN inspection. But the Useless Nations - as the UN really should be called - will probably do little or even nothing.
What is happening is despicable. South Africa's Apartheid regime was never even 1/100th as evil as Mugabe's dictatorship. What is happening there is unprecedented in southern African history. And yet, the world has not seen the worst of Mugabe. If he is backed into a corner, this man will not just make millions homeless - he will kill millions.
He already wiped out 20,000 to 30,000 people belonging to the minority Matabele tribe in 1985 when out entire villages were destroyed. They were throwing Black people down wells. An old school friend of mine (see TheBeardedMan Blog spot) was a Policeman in Zimbabwe and had the opportunity to see some of the aftermath of Mugabe's mass murder in the 1980's. Mugabe is capable of murdering not merely tens or hundreds of thousands - he is a murderer on the scale of Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin and Pol Pot.
This is the work of a megalomaniac who is punishing those who voted against him in past elections.
I find it incomprehensible that no major country in the world will sponsor a war against this complete maniac of a man. Not even Saddam Hussein has done anything close to the evil that this man has gotten away with.
The Black African states are refusing to deal with Robert Mugabe, and some even admire him. They will never condemn him - even if he slaughters millions of his own people.
And the British talk, but never act. The British Bulldog is toothless.
Yet, the British were the ones who strong-armed Zimbabwe's first democratically elected, pro-Western Black Prime Minister, Bishop Abel Muzorewa into handing over to this Chinese-sponsored Communist cretin (Mugabe)who used intimidation to win his first election back in 1980. He has cheated in several elections ever since. He clothes himself in a weak charade of so-called "democracy" - but he is, and has almost always been, an outright Dictator.
So where are the British now to take responsibility for this maniac whom they helped to get in power? I haven't seen bombers flying over Zimbabwe, Naval forces in the Mozambique channel or the SAS sneaking into southern Africa, as happened during the era of Ian Smith's rule.
The British had a lot to say at the time, but where are they now? In the 1960's, when Rhodesia issued the Universal Declaration of Independence, the British sent the Royal Navy to hunt down tankers bringing oil to Rhodesia. The UN declared Rhodesia a "threat to world peace" and the whole world immediately declared "comprehensive sanctions" on 250,000 of White people, who were trying to stand in the gap, trying to prevent absolute vicious dictators like Mugabe from bringing that country down to where it is now. White people were allegedly the vicious criminals which the world could not wait to kick down.
But no destruction ever took place in Rhodesia. Rhodesia grew amazingly fast, despite total and complete world sanctions. Rhodesians, White and Black, never went hungry despite comprehensive world sanctions. Rhodesia had to export its beef and other products illegally, but both Blacks and Whites had food. They had more work too. Things were so much better back then - but everyone attack the government of Ian Smith. And now? Mugabe is laying waste to the country and has been bringing complete ruin to it for the past 5 years. Yet, the world is silent.
Sanctions were employed only against White people in Rhodesia and South Africa - but when a Black Megalomaniac Dictator commits crimes ten thousand times worse than any White regime ever did, we hear only silence. Politically Correct hypocrites only see evil among Whites, but a Black man can do anything he wants, even to other Blacks. There is no evil too great - as long as you are Black.
Jan Lamprecht was born and raised in Zimbabwe, then called Rhodesia, during the "Bush War", which resulted in Robert Mugabe coming to power. He was educated in Harare, the capital of the country, before leaving for South Africa, where he spent some time in the Navy. He wrote a book called "Government by Deception" about African politics related to Zimbabwe and the effects Mugabe's policies may have on other countries.
He publishes a popular, highly "politically-incorrect" web site