Why do you insist on mixing church and chocolate?
because endorphins edify transubstantially.
That's good.
I mix 'em cos the church and commerce did - as a result of damn christians taking over and christifying the old spring fertility festivals.
And what does that make the Australian Easter, coming as the holiday does after the first full moon of the autumnal equinox.
Your Australian spring remains uncommercialized, unChristianized.
For god sake someone come and play here!
I am feeling so silly, I only just stopped myself from telling a rightie to go hump a goat over in Politics - I told her to bloviate herself without niggardliness instead.
Help me!
blo v. ate herself.
I suspect that the latter should come out (heh) victorious, it being more appropriate to the gender, though the tense of the former is past, and so lacks promise of any enjoyment save memory, and so p'rhaps she should, indeed, climb up and go down the latter.
(i can't think of such a question...)
So - how's it hanging?
Given as you can lick it and all?
Climbing latters is a specialized endeavor. One has to place feet correctly or former latters will carp.
A little to the cleft, whene'er possible.
Latters are flatter then bladders, which forgot how to b and told them to f off.
I can't think of anything to say.
Bladders bletch when bleached;
laddies letch when fetched
by ladies in light.
<what a stretch>
But v. nice. Certainly more lyrical than my tripe. "Bletch." Kvetch.
What's the most onomatopoietic (sp?) language, I wonder? Certainly Yiddish has gotta be up there -- having the advantage of growing up among other languages and borrowing as it pleased.
Bitter vetch--Orobus
Step and fetch,
From gentle loam's dark orifice.
and then, of course, there is Orpheus in the nether world.
Got it right this time, Deb....
I'll never say region again.
Took a country boy friend of mine to see Taffelmusik in Tarana, and they did a recitation presentation of Orpheus in the Underworld, which is to say opera without the costumes and all that unnecessary palaver--just the music and singing. He was highly entertained, and took to "high culture" like a fish to a cement pond . . .