Tue 5 Nov, 2019 10:10 pm
"Suffer little children, and forbid them not" - Julius Fann, Jr
It should be so instilled in our conscious our setting out to change the thoughts, attitudes, and patterns of individual or mass thinking is first and foremost a demonstration of ones actions and deeds, over and beyond human words and judgments not initiated by one living as the expression of God. The expression of God in all people is of lifting up the Word in themselves in order for Jn.16:7 to come to pass. So then, one must go away.
You must go away from human tradition, from inbred superstitions, and the god of the intellect, and let that God within you fire you with ITS presence. And unless you are willing to go away, you will not only continue to live within the bounds and maze of this world, but as those who have come and gone before you, as they, you also will not find that secret place of the most high God, and peace within your life which passes all human understanding, and speculative logic And if you do not surrender, willingly, your entire belief in only being human, you will continue, second by second, to scour metaphysically, and physically the mind and earth looking for SOMETHING that is not there.
God is consciousness. God in each and every individual is God expression individually. God, therefore is therefore in every place, nook, and cranny the law of matter, the law of mind, and the law of imagination will have one travel in their thoughts. And with God being already there because God is omnipresent consciousness. there is never a need for Spirit to wait to "perform that thing given to me." What we must do as children of God is to realize this in our consciousness, and arise from the grave of human thinking to ascend to the presence of our Father.
When we are told "Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven," - Mt.19:14, just as you are, we must realize we are those children Christ is speaking of. We are to realize Christ is not saying to "come unto Me" with any human DNA possession we have inherited, nor come with any human mentality you have clothed yourself with. Christ is saying "come unto Me" as you truly are. Drop all the mask, Drop all the prayers, all the asking, all the seeking, all the I must do this for them or those, or myself, all the beliefs of what would they do without me? all the beliefs that you can make a difference concerning anything or anyone. "Come unto Me" as the child of God.
Never give power to anything a person believes is their source of strength - Julius Fann, Jr