I think you are confusing Jesus with Richard Nixon. Jesus was crucified because he put compassion over following the law. Richard Nixon was all about using law and order (and repressing racial minoroties in the process).
Some points to consider.
1 The event that got Jesus into the trouble that ended up with recieving the death penalty was him breaking the law by healing a man on the Sabbath. He made it very clear that people are more important than the law.
2. Jesus himself was a political refugee when he was a child. He crossed borders to escape political violencd. Whether his family recieved the proper papers first isnt in the Bible, but it seems unlikely.
3. Jesus was not an American. He was not even a Roman. He was from backwater culture in the time when the Roman Empire ruled.
If Jesus were alive today, he wouldnt be anything like you. He wouldnt look down on migrants. He wouldnt be prideful. He wouldnt exclude people or fail to have compassion.
When Jesus says "whatever you do to the least of these the same you do to me".