A semidrear weekend here for the oyster festival... but no thunderboomers.
My head is killing me, like I have a thunderboomer inside, which I would prefer to be outside in the weather, although it is freezing in Australia currently.
a few rumbles this evening, but so far no agua...
Radar shows a strong line of storms headed our way. (fingers crossed)
I love them too! I was once on a boat in Boston Harbor (booze cruise) and an unexpected thunderstorm began. It was so beautiful to see the lightening on the ocean.
However, not so many people on board were as fasinated as I with the storm - many became ill with the choppy waters.
Also, yesterday, there was such severe thunderstorms south of Boston - in one town not far from me several people were injured when a lightening bolt hit a tree.
Thunderstorms are one of those frightening beautiful things.
Ah - one other close call with lightening - as a child I was sitting watching TV with my parents and brothers. A bolt hit a nearby utility pole and carried the current directly to our house and caused a light bulb to blow. Fortunately it only caused electrical problems.
I was once in a state park standing next to the pay phone at the concession stand. A bolt of lightning hit the telephone poll next to the stand and caused the phone to ring wildly. I jumped a good to feet and ran for the car. I have often wondered if I had been standing closer to the phone if the bolt would have jumped to me.
Setanta - it was so cool! You know how kids are - it was more exciting than scary. Shortly after the lightening struck - the firemen arrived - not sure how they knew or whether a neighbor had a similar incident and called. Caused the scene to be even more exciting to have these firemen checking our electrical stuff out with all their gear on.
Funny - I have an aunt who admitted to me once that she is so frightened of thunderstorms that when one approaches - she puts on her sneakers (she thinks the rubber soles will save her) and sits at the top of the stairs to the cellar until it passes.
Linkat, i feel very sorry for your aunt--that is the sort of incohate terror which evokes in me a desire to reassure or protect someone. My Sweetiepie's little girl doggie is horribly frightened by thunderstorms, although she is getting better. It really bothers me, as there is no way to rid her of her fear, or reassure her that she won't be hurt.
Set, fun day, eh?
:-) :-) :-)
I've been rather disappointed, though, Soz, we get rumbles, but no CRASH, BOOM, BANG ! ! !
I want my CRASH, BOOM, BANG ! ! !
How does the Sozlet react to the storms, Boss?
Oh, loves 'em. For a while we were camped out in the entryway, front door wide open, having lunch while watching the storm approach.
We've gotten some good CRASH, BOOM, BANG!!!! and she did jump a bit for the biggest one (couldn't have been far), but then was grinning huge a few seconds afterwards -- shall I apply the warpaint?
Well, no crash -boom today. It was hot and unusual humid here, huge black mushroom clouds were building up, the swallows raced just above the roof, then the wind picked up- no storm here.
I can offer only a musical thunderstorm- :wink: Under Thunder and Lightning by Johann Strauß.
(Listen to sample #2).
Soz, i bet the Sozlet would get a kick out of some face paint and a war dance.
Ul, thanks for that link, i'd not ever heard that before.
Well, here we go again--we're getting some dramatic sound and lighting effects again. It keeps going past me, though, and heading to the east. Soz should be getting a lot of these storms for her and the Sozlet to enjoy.
I had finished up what little online work i had this morning, and got a call from a guy about the possibility of doing his state returns and reports for him, and since i don't go see him until evening, i decided to take a little nap. I was up very early this morning, and fell asleep rather quickly. I was dreaming, and the sound of the first wave of thunder boomers intruded into my dreams, turning them into nightmare. I was in my childhood home, and looked out an upstairs window, so see tornadoes everywhere, and one approaching the house. I ran through the house telling everyone to get out . . . but i was the only one who made it out . . .
The only true nightmares i have ever consistently had involved tornadoes . . . don't know why.
We're getting the sto-orms, we're getting the sto-orms..!!!
It's been soooo great.
Sorry about the spooky dream tho.