An inner wuss is much more honest than an inner meek. Inner meeks have big, moist eyes, that look at you beseechingly, and they make helpless gestures with their hands. Inner wusses cast their eyes downward and shuffle their feet, but they do not project their wussiness and use it so as to get ahead in life.
dlowan- You probably will not be able to change this guy, but you can change your attitude towards him.
My mother had a sister with whom she fought since they were kids. The woman was a mean, vicious snob, with the IQ somewhat lower than a chimpanzee. She was also very rich.
Every couple of weeks I would get a call from my mother, regaling me with some miserable thing her sister did to her. After quite a bit if this, I realized that my mother's problem was that she was expecting her sister to be something that she wasn't.
So I devised a plan. Every time mom went into her whiny "look what she did to me" act, I would say one thing to her. "You can't turn a giraffe into a hippopotamus". And then I would change the subject.
It took her awhile, but she finally caught on, and was able to deal will her sister in a much more dispassionate way!
Hmmm - would I reject me? I would hate to bruise my ego, and I would be with someone I love.......hmmmmm - conundra within's enough to make you go meek.
Hmmm Soze - I thought an inner wuss was different - but I feared it was just a projection of my inner meek saying so - I tend to want to go away when my inner wuss comes out - and let it get stronger - but I am generally in situations where I can't - and my inner wuss has to tough it out - I got one tough inner wuss! But sometimes it just has to come out - and I have to go on anyway - poor little inner wuss! It has a hard life!
But - back to kicking the meek! Show me one!
Heehee - I once started a 2 person meek squad at work!
We had a great secretary - but she used to do that thing where she said nothing about little problems, then went all cold, then exploded.
I got cross one day - and did a spiel about my tyranny of the meek thing - she thought it was wonderful, and after that, whenever I saw her doing her meek thing, I would pretend to be an emergency vehicle and zap the meekness. She became very unmeek - it was very funny. Our team psychiatrist joined in, and it became a very light-hearted way of addressing such things in the team.
Man, thank God soz gave me that nice out; I was going to have to confess to being a meek, but I can be a wuss instead! (So many choices in life.)
Anywho, I don't know about the meek. I've had it with the slow, the sodden, the stupid, the emotional blackmailers, and the passive-aggressives, and frankly I've got no rage left over to direct at these "meeks" of whom you speak.
One thing about the meek, though: the same religion that says that they shall inherit the earth also says that the earth will be destroyed in some violent final reckoning. Now what the hell sort of consolation is that for the meek?
("The cheesemakers? What's so special about the cheesemakers?"
"It's not meant to be taken literally, dear. He's obviously referring to any manufacturers of dairy products.")
Patio -I think those you mention ARE the meek - at least the "bad" meek - are there good ones?
The cheese-makers do, indeed, seem to be a little blessed again - although I, personally, as opposed to the non me I, I guess, have given it up. I agree that all dairy workers were intended.
As for the dilemma of what exactly the meek shall inherit, I say, as the Bible also says somewhere, that we should regard them as those who have not, and therefore should take away from them even that which they hath. Although, if they hath it not, I am unsure exactly how we should go about that.
Will we ever get to meet your wuss?
Sure, come on over. I'll shuffle about, swear uncontrollably, and make cryptic remarks that leave a rancid and stifling cloud over the room like a noxious outgassing. (Don't worry, though. It's all an act meant to make people with an over-developed sense of propriety go the hell away.)
On a serious note, I have the utmost sympathy for people who just can't help being dumb and slow. The vast majority of people, though -- and especially, for some reason, those driving in front of and alongisde me -- are willfully dumb and slow, and, were I not a wuss, they would feel my wrath!
A'right, coffee-time.
I tawt I taw a wussycat a creepin' up on me. I did, I did, a great big wussycat
On the other hand, some of those seemingly dumb and unassuming people sometimes achieve positions of great power. They may even start wars if they don't get what they want!
I know just who you mean, d'art. Damn Canadians...
oldandknew wrote:I tawt I taw a wussycat a creepin' up on me. I did, I did, a great big wussycat
You did! You did! It was me! I mean, it was I!!!
D'Art - this is what the one at my work is doing! He is busy applying pressure at the fault lines! Soon, he will have our oil, but he will find us unruly to rule....
It's an expression. Means be careful...
Man, that ignerrent bunny...
How would he taste with some fava beans and a nice bottle of chianti-maybe we could share ? After all a trouble shared .....
"several sheep short in the top paddock" lol, great line deb.
i gotta remember that one.