Fri 4 Oct, 2019 07:10 am
I know, that Gothic digraph 𐌰𐌿 (au) may corresponds to o, e.g.
Gothic Old High German
nauh noh
þauh doh
hauhs hoh
maurgins morgan
faur fora
Gothic Old English
taujan don
fauho fox
waurd word
dauhtar dohtor
Are Gothic "þau" and Russian Conjunction то "to" (then) come from some shared source in Proto-Indo-European?
Matthew 5:20
"...,ni þau qimiþ in þiudangardjai himine."
"...,то вы не войдете в Царство Небесное."
"..., ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven."
Matthew 6:15
" þau atta izwar afletiþ missadedins izwaros."
"..., то и Отец ваш не простит вам согрешений ваших."
"..., neither will your Father forgive your trespasses."