Tue 7 Jan, 2020 08:01 pm
Are Gothic digraph "ai" and Old High German "e" cognate only before /h/, /hʷ/, /r/ ?
ƕairban hwerban
wairpan werfan
wairþan werdan
gatairan zeran
bairan beran
bairgan bergan
swairban swerban
hairto herza
saiƕan sehan
taihun zehan
saihs sehs
Are Gothic digraph "ai" and Old High German "ei" cognate everywhere except before /h/, /hʷ/, /r/ ?
skaidan skeidan
haitan heizzan
haims heim
staiga steiga
hails heil
You will find none of these words in the German language - therefore they don't mean anything either. Ok, one exception is "heil" the very end.