October 3, 2019
If Elizabeth Warren is elected U.S. president, capitalist Nazi Mark Zuckerberg plans to sue the U.S. government as he is afraid of Ms. Warren's plan to break up big tech companies. An apt proverb at this point, derived from "Big thieves hang little thieves", is "Big Nazis hang little Nazis".
Zuckerberg's arrogance was evident in his appearances before congress. Greed and arrogance in anyone means they have a fall coming. Facebook is doomed by its name anyway. However, the lesson is that the disparity between plutocrats' incomes and the average person's incomes is increasing, and this inevitably leads to revolution as in the French and Russian revolutions.
The uniqueness of the soon to come revolution is that it will be global and will include environmental chaos and the activism it guarafuckintees. The financial-environmental revolution's forefront is everywhere, but primarily in the Amazon, where wealthy cattle ranchers are burning the huge forest so crucial to the health of humanity it's called "the lungs", and the naturally environmentally conscious and protective natives are struggling to protect their lands, with most of the alleged three environmental activists murdered every day being in South America.
Zuckerberg, Bezos et al -- if they have any intelligence at all, which is doubtful -- should pay attention to their fellow plutocrat (but socialist) Nick Hanauer's message, which is basically a socialist concept of distributing the wealth in the world, which -- BELIEVE IT OR NOT, JUST AS LAND IDEALLY DOES -- belongs to EVERYONE. Wealth belongs to all; this is why hoarding it in tax free offshore accounts is criminal, and not just because of tax evasion. Of course those like Nick and Bernie Sanders, who can inspire a drive towards decreasing the disparity by raising the minimum wage and investing in small enterprise, may claim a greater share of the collective wealth because of their "executive role".
Knowing the pathology of greed, a key aspect of the inevitable doom of humanity besides mental degeneration (lack of morals or principles in every aspect of life), I am skeptical that the obviously stupid Zuckerberg, Bezos et al can ever be part of a theoretical majority of plutocrats who might be able to postpone or head off a global uprising and its typically subsequent fascism. The thing is, these potential "economic leaders" will no doubt remain as ignorant as Nazi Zuckerberg.
Such possible "leaders", of course, MUST also be leaders in environmental activism -- world leaders in confronting the wicked earth raping oil and gas and other criminal plutocrats whose targeted natural sources will eventually run out. I don't advocate violence, but such has always been inevitable in revolutionary upheavals where the main culprits the masses point their fingers at are the dumb "kinglike" Zuckerbergs or Trumps so obsessed with their greed and empire building they forget they are few, stupid and lacking vision, and ultimately important in the scheme of things.
As Nick Hanauer points out, the pitchforks may soon be raised. I feel possibly millions of hands reaching for them now....
Edit [Moderator]: Link removed
Beware, fellow plutocrats, the pitchforks are coming | Nick Hanauer