All this reminds me of the days where I worked for a large corporation.
I stayed so long because of the health insurance, which was needed for my husband. That's another story.
I want to gag at all the corporate events I had to work at. Also the smaller, quarterly regional meeting for my area.
The ceo riding into an event on horseback wearing his 3 muskateer costume, which was his pet "team building" schtick. One for one and one for all don't you know.

The cfo riding into the filled hall on a 1950's style bike. Don't know what that was about.
Some guy who I don't even know his title, but was dubbed "yoda". Oh right, he was "chief wisdom officer" He would always show up on stage with "low rider" blaring on the PA system.
All this touchy feely crap which would pathetically put a temporary sparkle in the eye of some employee (oh...I'm sorry, "team member") who had maybe never been on a airplane before, or eaten at the ubiquitous lunch salad bar or evening chicken breast or sirloin. Then, after eating the Marriotts crap food, the big Awards ceremony!
Even worse were the 2 day meetings just for the managers. The zip line courage lesson. The "write something you want to send out to the universe on a slip of paper", then in a ceremonious manner, all line up to toss the paper into a gigantic chiminea. Most of the managers weren't taken in by this stuff, but hey, ya gotta play the game.
I was only a cog in the wheel, but I was a cog that knew when all the upper ups were having the real phone conferences. If I was alone in the office, which was often, I would dial into the conference line before I knew others would start calling in. So they wouldn't know I was listening in. And boy, did I hear a lot.