Wed 25 May, 2005 02:28 pm
sports....... about cool plays, injuries, selling tickets alcohol and merchandise isn't it?
who gives a **** if these gladiators use drugs? performing enhancing drugs enhance the performance so....evn more cool plays...more injuries, more ticket alcohol and merchandise sales.
What's the f**king problem?
Some people make the argument that it goes down the line to the point where even high schoolers are using them.. I say let 'em. If they are dumb enough to use them we aren't going to miss the extra years they could have been around... plus it makes things more exciting. Beyond that it is just another way for government to stick their nose where it does not belong.
The problem is that it's cheating.
Sorry to have to resort to such a corny argument, but there it is...
The other problem is that if they don't, and most are, they're simply not going to be on the team. I direct that to high school sports. The pros can figure things out for themselves. I'm not so sure high school competitors are capable of good judgement on this.
The fact is..
it IS cheating.. and like the guy above me said, it's a corny argument but it's true. There is no way you can force all of the players to take the drugs because of possible effects on health, and as long as some do take steroids and some don't, the playing field will not be level.
That isn't fair.
maybe someday they'll develop a safe steroid...
We are talking about professional athletes, are we not? I totally disagree with it in amateur sports of any kind. But, professional athletes get paid very big dollars to provide entertainment to the masses. Like any professiona, it is up to them to conduct themselves according to their own morals, strengths, believes, and whatever it takes to do the job.
If some of them find that steroids is for them, then let them do what they want. If it is not illegal, they can do whatever it takes to produce results. In business, it is the best and the brightest that succeed. In sports, it is the best and cerainly not necessarily the brightest that succeed. If they want to endanger their health and have a small dick...I say let them do it.