First Ever Global Poll of How the World Sees the World

Reply Wed 25 May, 2005 01:13 pm
Sweden tops poll of nation brands


1. Sweden
2. UK
3. Italy
4. US/Germany
5. Japan
6. China
7. India
8. South Korea
9. Russia
10. Turkey

Sweden has been voted number one in a poll of 10 nation brands for its image as both comforting and cutting edge

The UK came second in the international survey about people's perception of nations' governance, business, exports, people, culture and tourism.

The US shared fourth place with Germany, in the poll in which 10,000 people were asked to rank 10 nations.

Russia and Turkey lagged at the bottom of the poll with weaker, negative associations in the minds of consumers.

Image and reality

The report's author says the "relatively low" placement of the US could be explained by the "deep unpopularity of US foreign policy which is dragging down positive perceptions about trade, exports, investment and popular culture".

Over 10% of those questioned described the US government as "unpredictable", seven percent as "sinister" and over 10% used the word "dangerous", according to the research.

The UK, one of the US' closest political allies, is nevertheless ranked third overall for upholding international peace and security.

The British people outrank all others, the survey says, loved for their image as polite, educated, honest and trustworthy citizens.

Sweden is admired for "its rare combination of stable and responsible governance, honest and trustworthy people, successful cultural exports and being a prime location for investment".

The people of Sweden are seen as both intelligent and honest

Its predominance might be due to the current climate of fear and unease, the poll's author, Simon Anholt, told the BBC News website.

"Sweden manages to square the circle - it is sexy yet reassuring. That is the zeitgeist, if people were feeling more secure they might go for something riskier - like Latvia," he said.

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Walter Hinteler
Reply Wed 25 May, 2005 01:14 pm
When we express a preference for French holidays, German cars, or Italian opera; when we instinctively trust the policies of the Swedish government, comment on the ambition of the Japanese, the bluntness of the Americans or the courtesy of the British; when we avoid investing in Russia, favor Turkey's entry into Europe or admire the heritage of China and India, we are responding to brand images in exactly the same was as when we're shopping for clothing or food.

But these are far bigger brands than Nike or Nestle. They are brands of nations.

-Simon Anholt, author of Brand America and Co-Founder of the Anholt-GMI Nation Brands Index

Link to Anholt-GMI Nation Brands Index homepage
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Reply Mon 30 May, 2005 11:15 am
Re: First Ever Global Poll of How the World Sees the World
The people of Sweden are seen as both intelligent and honest

Nice captioning there ... Razz
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Reply Mon 30 May, 2005 12:13 pm
What happened to France? Why didn't it make the list? I always thought that a particularly civilized if somewhat standoffish country. I have a sister on sabbatical there now and we have some good friends that are French.
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Reply Mon 30 May, 2005 12:34 pm
Universe Daily
Space age 4386-90, 294/1a

New poll shows Earthling image tarnished; galaxy unconcerned with planet's impending negation

Flix Muuhamby

Earthlings are considered "rather disgusting", "shifty", "unintelligable" and "arrogant", a new Milky Way-wide survey shows - if Beings are familiar with them at all.

Splarge/VS yesterday published a new edition of its extensive series of surveys investigating the image of various planets' inhabitants across the galaxies. In its new poll on the standing of Earthlings, it finds their brand recognition value markedly weak, and its associative sequence yield mostly focused on the negative.

"Earthlings, our research shows, tend to think of themselves as one of the most intelligent mankinds around", observes Splarge/VS executive consultant Plyfghrty Brandon, "but in reality, few other planetary populations have heard of them - and those that have, don't think much of them".

This may at least in part be due to a relatively deficient distributional recognition axis. Since earthlings have still, perhaps significantly, failed to invent the means of travelling further than their own rather outlying solar system, they've had few opportunities to acquaint others with them personally. Impressions are thus almost exclusively formed by what was reported back by residents of other planets from their occasional travels to the planet.

"Only a few maglactial's worth of explorers have actually visited Earth", says Boodleborg Breest, a Professor of Interplanetary Relations who recently authored "Martians are male, Venusians are female", a reflection on the role of gender in interplanetary co-existence. "And since most of them were not actually recognized by the Earthlings as living beings, let alone beings of higher intelligence, they tend to have had a rough reception."

Breest points to the example of the Vresutian who had a particularly unpleasant time on Earth as, Vresutians looking distinctly like what Earthlings call "footballs", he was quite literally kicked around a lot. George Magyar III, a Bekkelbitian of Earthling descent, agrees. "I went to Earth to look for my roots", he says, "but they never even saw me. They were actually really rather rude."

An additional problem for Earthling image has been that a sizable proportion of the interplanetary explorers who did report on visits to Earth were Venusians, who have traditionally had a fraught relationship with their dominant, but less intelligent neighbours. "Venusians in particular have authored many an uncomplimentary travel report, which cant always be taken as necessarily objective reflections of Earth reality", Breest warns. Some of them have been shown to be fakes altogether. Paraphrasing a locally famous line from one of the better works of Earthling's primitive-incipient literature, Breest smilingly notes, "Hell hath no fury like a Venusian scorned."

Nevertheless the survey's results are clearly damning, and might well do further damage to already weak Earthling prestige. "Earthlings score particularly high on negative parameters like revolting appearance, primitive communication skills and lacking understanding of other populations", Brandon notes. "Their lacking command of other planetary languages and clear ignorance of galaxical geography makes them appear arrogant and rude. Their strong sense of pride and achievements, which by other planets' standards will appear overblown in proportion to the rather modest actual technological and cultural progress of the planet, compounds this effect."

Yet strategic issues are in play. Though few galactic citizens will notice or care, the proposed "negation" of the solar system that Earth is in will mean the end of a history, culture and identity all of its own. "If Earthlings were better regarded intergalactically, there might have been a chance of a common action to save the Earthling population", Prtakr 5/03 of the action group "Planets together" speculates.

"Through our long-standing campaign against negation, we have already obtained the guarantee from the Authority that Mars and its population will be relocated to a safe area near the Pripitus system. But we simply havent found a similar kind of grassroots engagement when it comes to the Earthlings. Beings don't know them, and if they know them, they dont like them. Faced with such a groundswell of apathy there simply isnt much we can do. The survey was our last hope; a more positive results would have given us at least one argument to work with."

No Earthlings could be reached to comment on the report's findings.

Copies of the entire Splarge/VS survey series are available through doopmex at the Universe Daily spot.

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