shewolfnm wrote:I think the reason that christians get such a 'bashing' MA is because that tends to be the first bat someone swings with when it comes to arrogant personal beliefs.
What i mean -
It does take abit of arrogance to try to tell someone of something they dont know, but you DO.
It is the arrogance that tells us as people " we must share , it will help others lives" Yet , we truly know nothing of anothers life until we reside in their skin. Since that isnt possible, we speculate. We ASSUME the other person NEEDS to know what ever tidbit of information we may have in our hands. Our eagerness to share this tidbit , may cause us to overlook THEIR personal lives and deicsions and can , in some cases, be quite insulting. Espically when it comes to a personal religion/belief system/spiritual recognition..etc.
We all think that our chosen way is the one way. To take that thought, that each religious person has, and remeber the next person feels that way as well. When you approach with YOUR religious beliefs, you are , essentially.. telling that person that theirs is wrong. You are insulting their life, their person and their mind. Religion is a private thing, that people derrive many and all forms of self satisfaction, self recognition and self purpose from. In saying Mine is better then Yours, or Mine is right, Yours is wrong, you are tearing up their moral fiber and smiling while doing it.
It makes sense that people get pissed about someone trying to convert them.
( im sorry.. I was saying over and over again YOU , YOU, YOU.. those 'yous' were not aimed at you directly MA, or anyone else for that matter . I was speaking in very general terms )
Christianity is one of the most popular beliefs in america. There for, when someone wants to debate religious arrogance, they attack christianity first. Everyone can identify with it..
I mean, imagine if someone on this board were attacking.. ohh... lets say asatruism ?
Most people have no clue what that is. So why use something noone can identify with to make your point? It isnt necessarily singling OUT christians.. it is using a good majority of 'examples' .
I completely understand. That is why I try very hard to not make those types of judgements with anyone. If someone asks what I believe, I tell them. If they ask me why I believe it, I tell them. I do not tell them what they believe is wrong or anything else. I think you can tell from my posts I try very hard to not come off that way.
Jesus said yes, share our testimony and our faith. But, He also says if we are met with scorn, disdain, anger, etc., then we are to stop doing it. And I have no problem in stopping. These threads do provide a rather good place to keep the discussion going longer than I probably would in person with someone. But, I guess that is one of the things they are for.
I believe we should all care about each other. I believe we should all share what works for us in our lives. In sharing things we can learn ways to co-exist without all the hassle.
There are some non-believers in these threads that I really enjoy sharing with. Those are the ones that do not make fun of or laugh at mine and other believers' beliefs. We can have great discussions and I have learned so much from them. I hope they feel the same way about the discussions.
And yes, there are those non-believers I haven't enjoyed the discussions with for different reasons.
But, I think understanding each other's position is probably the best place to start a dialog. I really do appreciate what you posted Shewolfnm. And not one of those YOUs did I take you meant personally. Your posts don't have that kind of tone to them.