Sun 16 Mar, 2003 03:41 am
You may never have heard of what's politically going on in the small Principality Liechtenstein. You even may not now, where this country could be situated (if not on an opera stage).
Liechtenstein (CIA factbook)
Official homepage
Well, why do I mention this in "International News"?
The people of Liechtenstein go to the polls on Sunday to vote on whether or not to make their prince an absolute monarch again.
Liechtenstein votes on prince
In Liechtenstein, a Princely Power Grab
Princely problems
Well, and in Australia, Liechtenstein is unknown, too: look at the date of the poll there!
Fairness has snout to do with it in poll
Where do we sign up to have this country's problems instead of our own?
um the mouse that roared?
The Prince savors victory in Liechtenstein vote but "We have made ourselves an international laughing stock" some Liechtensteiner say:
Liechtenstein voters make prince Europe's most powerful ruler
European prince wins new powers
Royal power increases in Liechtenstein
Otmar Hasler, chief of the Liechtenstein government said, this 'Yes' for the Prince would mean a "Yes" to the dualismatic state, something, which wasn't understood outside Liechtenstein.