Woke up coughing and really ill - needed to get up - I will go and lie down again once the coughing has settled a bit.... waaaaaah!
I'm very sorry to hear that, Our Dear Bunny, i hope you will feel well soon. Is it very cold outside where you are at?
If it won't annoy, could you describe your location geographically (such as which bay or bight you are near)? I have a rather good map of the south Oztralian coast in my mind, and no where to find Adelaide (should i be in a light plane which is going down . . .)
Er, I am in Adelaide - almost in the heart of the city - we are near Spencer Gulf, I think (blush) - on the edge of a peninsula, such that the sun sets over the sea, which surprises people who know that we are a southern city...
Sounds like it might be quite lovely, Miss Rabbit . . . You are in Victoria, no? yes? no opinion?
LOL! Victoria is an eastern state - its capital is Melbourne - I am in South Australia, whose capital is Adelaide.
Silly me . . . i've been reading a book first published in Oztralia about a century ago on the inland exploration of the continent. However, it is the book i have at Lovey's house to read when i am there, so i don't have it with me to refer to it. Let me make another stab, though -- Victoria is south of New South Wales, n'est-ce pas?
Let me see now, yeap, be right about where the penis is
'Tain't no penis! Dammit!
You were correct, Setanta.
The latest section on the book about explorers which i had completed concerned the south shore of the Gulf of Carpenteria, and the Cape York Penninsula--extremely rugged and with a greater murderous hostility (no judgment there, just observation) on the part of the aboriginal inhabitants than the explorers who preceeded them in New South Wales and Victoria had encountered. I had just begun the section which deals with the explorers who began moving along the shore of the Bight, and recalled a map showing Adelaide as though it sits on a western facing slope of a mountain range, looking out over the Gulf of St. Vincent--am i in the ballpark here, Boss? Also, given that i believe Adelaide to have been named for the consort of William IV, that would make it's establishment later than 1830--am i still on track?
Please don't be upset with my silliness here, but making associations repeatedly with geographical and historical information accounts for my ability to remember a very great deal. Apart from that, i have an interest for sake of the subject simply on its own merit.
Yep - only they isn't mountains any more - they are so ancient as to have been worn down into mere hills - the Mount Lofty Ranges sort of meander north until they sort of meet up with the gloriously beautiful Flinder's Ranges, which are a mecca for most South Australians and many visitors, because of the wildness and incredible landscapes.
Adelaide is sandwiched between the hills and the sea - and was a very planned settlement, having been set up according to the theories of one Edward Gibbon Wakefield, who later had something to do with settlements in the USA, I believe.
There was a time I could have told you what those theories were - but they have long passed from my schoolgirl mind - but there is a tradition here of social progressiveness (women "given" vote in 1894, I believe, for instance) and personal stuffiness - perhaps because we didn't have the wildness of the convict element and their equally wild guards!
There was a wild colonial boy
Jack Duggan, was his name . . .
Hey - this seems a good enough thread for weird stuff:
Hanging Corpse Admired as Sculpture on Campus
BUDAPEST (Reuters) - Police on Friday removed the corpse of a man believed to have hanged himself at least a year ago after builders and students at Budapest's University of Arts had initially mistaken it for a modern sculpture.
The body hung for a whole day in a garden building that had been re-opened for repairs before onlookers realized what it was and called the police, local media said.
The building, in campus grounds crowded with different types of sculpture, had been closed five years ago pending reconstruction work.
(From Way Weird)
Oh, it was an old corpse - woulda looked pretty sculptural by then, I guess.....
the hamster digression, revived
the revived hamster, regressed
the regressed hamster, repressed
the repressed hamster, remembered
the hamster uprising has been stopped. the leaders of the revolt will be tried and summarily be made in hamster jerky treats.