Ok Chai-Tea, let's see if I understand this correctly.
There is a God but He is not enough of a God that He can be considered the whole truth?
Chai-Tea Wrote:
Quote: Sure, I'm not questioning THAT. I truly believe the spark behind it all is God."
So, you are willing to give God just some of the credit? He is not enough of a God to deserve all the credit? Does it matter in which manner He created things? Isn't what matters and is important is that
Chai-Tea Wrote:
Quote: "If I thought for a moment that whatever the bible says is all the truth there is out there, I would just despair and know there was no purpose in continuing to live."
So, God's offer of grace, salvation, love, kindness, forgiveness of sins, redemption, and eternal life are not enough for you? If not, what more is it that you are looking for?
Chai-Tea Wrote:
Quote: "Those who would respond to me "the bible was inspired by God. So? Many things are inspred by God. Being a scientist does not equal being an atheist. Books written by scientists can be inspired by God."
Actually, I believe I said
God-Breathed and
Chai-Tea Wrote:
Quote:"Perhaps God has been trying to get us to see the bible isn't the only material he's been the muse for. God can be seen anywhere, if you're not afraid to look."
Ok, which is worse; being afraid to look or being afraid and/or unwilling to accept the answers? If one continues to search for the answer one wants to hear, then one does not want truth, one wants to be right.
God gives us the answers we need to hear. They are not necessarily the answers we want to hear because man wants what man wants. It is such a simple answer. God created us. God gave us a free will. God gave us laws to live by. Man, having free will makes the choice to either obey those laws or not. As within any society, if you do not obey the law you suffer the punishment. And, as within society, there is opportunity for redemption. If one does right by the law and serves one's time for the punishment, you get another chance. God offers salvation and redemption through His son Jesus Christ. He offers redemption from that punishment. So, why the focus by "those who do not believe" is on the punishment is a mystery to me. If one does right, one has no fear of punishment. What is more simpler than that?
And yes, just looking about you at trees, the sky, etc., as pointed out in the bible, shows there is a God.