Marquis de Carabas wrote:
Quote:What gives you this incredibly bizarre notion?
The fact that all humans are females in the first few weeks after it is concieved. I saw a tv program about a woman who was actually a man. That is, she has the genes of a man, so after those first few weeks in the womb, the switch went on, and the development of testosteron should trigger the male sex organs. But there was a flaw in her system, her body didn't react to testosteron, so she became a woman after all. That gave me that "incredibly bizarre" notion.
Also, ever since scientists figured out how to impregnate an egg cell using ordinairy body cells, the male is no longer neccesary for the spawning of new children. Of course, with body cells from females impregnating egg cells it would never become a man.
So women can make children without men, but men can't do it without women. Not yet anyway.