Mon 24 Jun, 2019 09:24 am
∞ = mc3
Infinity = mass multiplied by the speed of light (in a vacuum) cubed. i.e. 27,000 trillion.
Infinity – This generally describes a region where spacetime curvature becomes infinite due to a gravitational singularity. Einstein’s Field equations suggest that in some areas of the universe matter and energy can become so compressed that they reach infinite density.
A more recent physicist working on the theory of black holes named Schwarzschild, described the gravitational field of a point mass and a spherical mass. He noticed that there was a peculiar behaviour at what is called a ‘Schwarzschild radius’, where the maths become singular – meaning some of the terms in Einstein’s equations become infinite. This region would have zero volume, yet, contain all the mass of a black hole, therefore, infinite density
Schwarzschild radius – The above infinite density is usually found at the point of singularity within a black hole. Any object whose radius is smaller than its Schwarzschild radius is called a black hole. The Schwarzschild radius can be classified as the radius of a spherically symmetric non-rotating object at which the escape velocity is equal to the speed of light.
The Schwarzschild radius is proportional to the mass of an object, assuming that the object has a constant mass density. Whereas, the physical radius of an object is proportional to the cube root of its volume. Therefore, as the object accumulates matter at a given fixed density, its Schwarzschild radius will increase more quickly than its physical radius, therefore, forming a black hole.
Extrapolation – Another way to understand the relationship between the mass and density of a black hole is to know that the volume increases to the 3rd power of the physical radius i.e. volume is mathematically the physical radius cubed.
This volume can be extrapolated to relate to the speed of light. Light and its movement can contain several properties. Two of these properties could be its speed and direction of movement. Three-dimensional space can be classified as having three directions of travel i.e. length, breadth and height. Therefore, light can also be seen to travel through these three dimensions of space. Therefore, forming space itself and as a result volume.
Therefore, this created volume relates to light travelling at 27,000 trillion km’s a second and the creation of an infinity when it combines with the mass of a given object.
This equation can not only be used to describe regions of singularity within the existing universe but can also be used to describe the early universe, whereby, an infinity could be seen to start the universe’s initial expansion.
Basically, I have to point out that this equation describes the escape velocity from a singularity (a region of infinity) of a black hole i.e. mass = c3.
This equation also has the purpose of holding up Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity, where, currently, scientists believe there is something wrong with the maths of this theory at a quantum level because it reaches an infinity. Whereas, this equation deals with this infinity and makes it the heart of the equation.
Further to my last post – I have to point out that I made an error. I typed that mass = c3. However, I meant to write mass × c3. Basically, this equation describes the escape velocity of a black hole. The matter/energy would escape through the event horizon. Therefore, a given mass would need to be multiplied by 27,000 trillion in order for it to escape. In a nutshell: infinity = mc3 i.e. 27,000 trillion km’s a second.