Hello PDiddie,
Based upon a quick check of current market pricing on similar-sounding (but not necessarily identical ) burners at both CNET's site as well as Amazon, I am having trouble recommending the burner you suggest, providing it's an internal unit.
If it's an external unit, which are always much more expensive than the internal ones, then it sounds like it might be a "pretty good" (although not spectacular) value.
You may wish to check CNEt, Amazon, and other sites (and of course, when you're ready to buy, buy whatever you choose from Amazon via the Able2Know links....it will benefit Able2Know if you do so

I am seeing numerous internal burners from major manufacturers for well under the $200. price point. Although not all of them are showing exactly the same speed specs that you indicate, they are all pretty darned close, and the real-world difference that you would realize would likely be negligible if it is even noticeable at all.
An additional concern of mine is the burning software. You indicate that the burner comes supplied with, among other titles, NeroExpress. My Nero software is called "Nero Burning Rom", and as a sub-option of it, you can switch to NeroExpress if you want a simplified "wizard" interface.
My concern is that if the burner is advertised as coming with just the "express" version of Nero, that this may be a stripped-down version of the "full" Nero software package.
If the software is all bundled on one CD which includes drivers and all setup programs, it may be difficult (and certainly will add additional expense) for you to upgrade the Nero software to the "full" version if you should ever desire more functionality from your burner than what the NeroExpress software provides.
There are a lot of "if's" here, I know, and I apologize if this seems incoherent. It's just that there are a lot of variables to consider and I don't have ALL of the information at hand with which to be more specific.
Based upon what you've told me, my ultimate recommendation would be to hold off on purchasing the unit that you are mentioning and shop around a bit more. Try to find a burner with 4 MB of buffer memory, some form of "burn-proof" (or equivalent) technology and ensure that it's minimum system requirements are well below the system specs of your computer. Also, make sure that the software that you are getting with it is the "full version" of the software that's offered by the software developer.
I hope that this has been of some help. Please let me know if I can provide any additional assistance