Fri 20 May, 2005 08:44 am
Ok, my latest 'blog, slated to be called "American Wasteland" will be devoted to building a progressive coalition in a "Post-Nuclear" America.
I have an idea for a different approach to navigation, that uses color-coding. I just want to know if these colors make sense:
Blue-Labor/Economic Justice
Pink-Women/Reproductive Freedom
Orange(Purple)-Religious Liberty
Gray-Misc (Media, etc)
Howdy Neo
Generally speaking usability experts say you should never rely on colo(u)r to transmit meaning. Two reasons:
people can be color blind
different socio cultural groups can have different associations for colors
This doesn't mean don't use color, just don't rely solely on it.
I'd be wary of some of your choices, some groups may feel they're being stereotyped (pink for women, rasta colors for african americans)
I also don't like headings called Misc. on web sites it hides meaning rather than provides it.
Some very good points, Hingehead
I'm aware of this as I took a class in UI Design.
Should Frist "Go Nuclear", you'll see what I've come up with.
Funny how TCP/IP was created to provide a communications network that could survive a nuclear attack. Except that if there's no electricity for the nodes in the route it flops.