Fri 14 Mar, 2003 06:02 pm
A man was walking towards the city, and on his way he met face to face 7 women, each of them carrying 7 begs with 7 little dogs in each bag. How many persons, bags and dogs were walking to the city?
I hope this will work, I'm not good in posting riddles in english, btw !
As I was walking to St. Ives....
Hi Alexandra!
7 women plus
7X7 = 49 bags plus
49X7 = 343 puppies equals
399 + 1 man =
400 people, bags, and puppes walking to the city.
Unless "face to face" means that they were coming FROM the city while only he was walking TO the city, rather than that he was passing them. If that's what it means, than just one person, no bags, no dogs walking to the city.
Ups.......and yes, like the old one about St. Ives... I love them!
Nice to see you in here, sozobe! Got any riddle for me? Craven became a bit lazy with posting them, as much as I can see
Nice to see you, too, Alexandra! I think Craven is majorly busy these days.
I made one up a while ago that was a pattern one... what comes next in this number series... I'll see if I can find it or else I'll try re-creating it.
Well thank you, that's exactly the kind of riddles I love... If not, tonight (already 1:30am here), I'll look for it later during the day time.
The Bacillus subtilis bacterium reproduces simply by splitting in two. It can do this every 20 minutes. Given perfect conditions how many offspring could one organism produce in 8 hours?
Definately just the one, going to the city.