thoughts on Trump, women

good times
Mon 17 Jun, 2019 11:00 am
Why can't women take responsibility for their purchasing decisions. Companies sell products to women for a higher price because women are willing to pay a higher price.

That is true!

I am willing to pay significantly more for clothing with a Red Sox logo even thought there is much better quality clothing available for a lower price. I don't blame the companies for charging me what I am willing to pay. It is my own stupidity that gets me to do this.

Yup, me too I have bought shirts like this. My own choice. I didn't blame females for this.


I think you are politically extreme (that has nothing to do with your gender). I think that you bend, or even invent, facts to fit your ideological narrative. When you are right I have no trouble agreeing with you. When you are wrong, I have no trouble saying so.

My biggest issue with what you are saying is the implication that women are fragile creatures who need to be protected.

Oh boy, that's what I thought too. Is she a feminist? She seems angry like one.
0 Replies
Mon 17 Jun, 2019 11:12 am
maxdancona wrote:

This is factually incorrect. Women in most European countries (like France, England and Germany) shave their legs, armpits (and other parts).

If you had said that in 1967 about Germany, you would have been mistaken. That's when I left, and I haven't been back.
Mon 17 Jun, 2019 12:13 pm
I assume that wasn't the reason you left Germany.
Mon 17 Jun, 2019 01:46 pm
Not a bit of it. I was scheduled for separation from US Army at Ft. Dix. Not that there's anything wrong with a few furry patches.
Mon 17 Jun, 2019 02:12 pm
I shaved my legs for a little while when I was in my 20s. I was getting into bike riding and wanted to fit in with the other cyclists.

It is supposed to make it cleaner when you crash and scrape up your legs. But there is also the sexiness of it and fitting in with the group. I was never a very good cyclist anyway.

But I did have shaved legs and they looked great (at least compared to the saggy bumpy ones I have now decades later).
Mon 17 Jun, 2019 03:20 pm
Oh! Somebody once told me it was to lower wind resistance.

At least, they didn't talk about how many milligrams it would.
0 Replies
Mon 17 Jun, 2019 05:02 pm
@good times,
good times wrote:
You are not a man, so you can't be capable of understanding what I am talking about in common sense.

good times
Mon 17 Jun, 2019 11:11 pm
You are not a man, so you can't be capable of understanding what I am talking about in common sense.

Yup, male issues don't require female input.

Does it make you feel strong to pick fights with 14 year olds on the internet?
Mon 17 Jun, 2019 11:34 pm
@good times,
Young man, Neptune was the only grown women on the forum who bothered to reach out to help you. Frankly I thought McGentrix gave you great advice, and I think you should not blow of his advice so quickly.

Now why do you think anyone is trying to pick a fight with you? If you are 14, and you do sound like you are 14 and start getting disrespectful with adults who have grandschildren your age....you should expect some pushback. It doesn't make you a victim of feminism...it just means you are a little annoying.
good times
Mon 17 Jun, 2019 11:54 pm
McGentrix gave you great advice

I like him, but he even SAID he was lying to me.

Neptune was the only grown women on the forum who bothered to reach out to help you

I live with 3 girls in the same house, 3 girls! there are no guys here. what makes you think I wanted her advice? In fact i can tell you I don't. I'm up to my eyeballs in female advice.


Now why do you think anyone is trying to pick a fight with you?

She's the only one who was telling me nonsense. Mcgentrix was lying, but he wasn't saying nonsense, they are different things. Mcgentrix was saying what he thinks he's supposed to, I've heard it before. She was saying things that are obviously false, and I proved her that they are false and she had a bad attitude, and stuck in the sarcastic video.

means you are a little annoying.

I've got one question for you, are you a girl?
Tue 18 Jun, 2019 12:18 am
@good times,
No you pretentious little whelp, I'm a grown woman with children, a grandchild and retired from DOD afteer 32 years. I have no questions for you, you sound like an adolescent. Before I forget, welcome to A2K....and if you aren't interested in getting advice from women or girls find a forum that caters only to boys.
0 Replies
Tue 18 Jun, 2019 06:26 am
@good times,
I apologize for the behavior of Neptune and Glitterbag. You questioned them. They got hurt and started insulting you.

Unfortunately sometimes old people act like middle school bullies, I am sure you recognize this. Glitterbag is insulting you because you asking questions threatens her. It is wrong her her to do this. I am sure you realize that you are talking to random strangers on the internet. Hopefully you have adults in your real life that don't treat you this way.

I believe this about teenagers.

- Teenagers need information, and they deserve the truth. Adults should give them accurate helpful information about healthy sexual relationships. Lying to a teenager is unhelpful and wrong.

- Teenagers have the right to choose who they want to be. This time is the time where you are going to develop your identity, what kind of person you are going to be. I assume you want to be a good person, but there are all kinds of good men. Some of us are nurturing and devoted. Some of us are tough and protective. Some of us are persistent and give up family to reach a goal.

- Adults should respect teenagers. First of all they are developing adults making important decisions and deserve respect. Second of all, Glitterbag's attempt to teach you respect by showing you disrespect doesn't make any sense. You develop respect in teens by showing them respect.

- Teenager should respect adults. By now you have realized that adults aren't perfect, but we have been through a bunch of stuff and we have experience. Listen to adults, we aren't always right and we don't always have the answers, but we have lived lots of life and you should take from our experiences.

- When someone is being a jerk (whether they are an adult or a teenager) you can ignore them. You have no reason or responsibility to respond to Glitterbag or Neptune. If they can't treat you with respect, then you shouldn't.

- My hope is that you can learn to have healthy sexual relationships. You might need a few years to start doing this, but learning how to see girls as human beings now is an important start.

This is probably a topic for another post.

Thu 20 Jun, 2019 03:16 pm
This is good advice for someone else's children. Did you hope your 14 daughter was learning and developing a healthy sexual relationship?
Thu 20 Jun, 2019 08:44 pm
I have an active role in raising my kids. I talk to them about what having healthy sexual relationships means.

When kids become teens, it is a two way discussion. They have to figure out what their own values are (that is part of adolescence). But I talk openly about what I believe is important, I answer their questions honestly and directly and and I guide them (understanding that they will make their own way on some things).

I believe that is part of the job of being a parent.
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good times
Sun 23 Jun, 2019 07:29 pm
Thank you for your reply maxdancona

I apologize for the behavior of Neptune and Glitterbag.

They seem so huffy and emotional. This is what I'm talking about. I see girls act like this all the time, and when they do they are not thinking logical. They are missing the common sense, and when a male points out the common sense, they get mad. It's like some part of them can't accept when a man is right.

You questioned them.

Sorry I guess.

Glitterbag is insulting you because you asking questions threatens her. It is wrong her her to do this. I am sure you realize that you are talking to random strangers on the internet. Hopefully you have adults in your real life that don't treat you this way.

Thanks. Yeah, my mom does a good job. And yeah i realize what you are saying. All you guys could be big weirdos for all I know.

Teenagers need information, and they deserve the truth. Adults should give them accurate helpful information about healthy sexual relationships. Lying to a teenager is unhelpful and wrong.

That's all I'm really looking for. Like i can't ask my mom about this stuff, she's not going to tell the truth.


- Teenager should respect adults. By now you have realized that adults aren't perfect, but we have been through a bunch of stuff and we have experience. Listen to adults, we aren't always right and we don't always have the answers, but we have lived lots of life and you should take from our experiences.

Yeah, and that's why I appreciate input from older guys that are older than 20's. I see a lot of guys act so dumb around girls, and I don't want to do that. But I am also kind of irritated being distracted by girls. My uncle complains about females and he doesn't seem distracted by them. He's not that old, he's in his late 30's.

- When someone is being a jerk (whether they are an adult or a teenager) you can ignore them. You have no reason or responsibility to respond to Glitterbag or Neptune. If they can't treat you with respect, then you shouldn't.

Can I say mainly what made me unimpressed with them, is why do they feel the need to advise men about male issues? Like, I wouldn't give a pregnant woman advice about having a baby. You know?

- My hope is that you can learn to have healthy sexual relationships. You might need a few years to start doing this, but learning how to see girls as human beings now is an important start.

It just seems like you have to do everything just perfect for a girl to like you. Like you can't make a mistake even once. Like if you let a girl know you like her, then she will immediately not like you. You have to be mr perfect cool guy who is smooth and not interested. I dunno.

I really appreciate your words maxdancona. Thank you for at least kind of understanding what I'm talking about.
good times
Sun 23 Jun, 2019 07:34 pm
This is good advice for someone else's children. Did you hope your 14 daughter was learning and developing a healthy sexual relationship?

But don't you think it's better for girls to hold onto their virginity? Not like with guys, becuase guys need to work to have sex. It takes skills and work. But girls just have to exist and all the guys want them.

So it's better for a man to work on developing his sexual skills, but it's better for a girl to remain clean as long as possible, probaly until marriage. I also think girls who have been with lots guys probaly have a hard time staying in love with their husbands and not cheating on them.
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good times
Sun 23 Jun, 2019 07:47 pm
I think Neptune and Glitterbag are far more rational than you are.

How so? Can you prove it?

You are pushing a load of bullshit

How? Can you prove something I said is wrong?

You are far worse than they are.

Nice to know you feel that way. Glad I was nice to you.

My teen-aged daughter would run intellectual circles around you.

Good for her. Notice how I never said anything bad about your daughter, because I don't have to make myself feel better by putting down people on the internet by saying things i would never say in real life. Like a coward.

My issue with Neptune and Glitterbag and Izzy and Engineer is ideology, not gender. I am accusing them of putting an ideological and political narrative above facts or open dialog.

I don't know who some of those people are but yeah you all sound like a bunch of wierdos.

You want to be mad and act butthurt because I pointed out the truth, fine. But but the record shows that you haven't dis-proven anything i've said.
0 Replies
Sun 23 Jun, 2019 07:51 pm
@good times,
good times wrote:
But girls just have to exist and all the guys want them.

Only the pretty ones. Girls who aren't pretty are just as frustrated as guys who aren't wealthy.

good times wrote:
It just seems like you have to do everything just perfect for a girl to like you. Like you can't make a mistake even once. Like if you let a girl know you like her, then she will immediately not like you. You have to be mr perfect cool guy who is smooth and not interested. I dunno.

I still think you are trying to impress the wrong girls.

There are girls out there who don't play those games. You'll be happier if you find a girl who doesn't play mind games.
0 Replies
Sun 23 Jun, 2019 07:57 pm
Jesus Max, now your dumping on Engineer??? He has to be one of the most pleasant posters on the entire board. Even when he disagrees with someone he is not disagreeable.

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