Eorl wrote:I think a missionaries position (!) is entirely justifiable in light of their beliefs that know the "truth" about how to get to heaven, god's love, etc, etc....
They are doing for people what they see as maximum good, both spiritual and practical.
only missionaries know the truth? other religions are lesser and un-true religions?
are religions tangible items, which can be compared on a spring balance?
is christianity a product that it merits such aggressive marketting - complete with attractive packages "become c hristian - get medicine free", which isnt very different from - "buy a nike shoe - get a pack of durex comdoms free" !!
they arnt doing any spiritual good at all, by dousing age old cultures, beliefs, traditions, and practices. what they ARE doing in that, they are diminishing the religio - cultural heritage of the planet at break neck speed - and irreversibly.
and the whole "practical good" thing, is bull crap - thats just a means to an end - they offer practical help - to bring about the conversion - no other reason. get this - missionaries arnt philanthropes - though they may claim / seem to be.
if i was on the streets, without food and a shirt on my back - and i was a christian - then no missionary would help me - 'cos i was christian already and the "practical help" that they have to offer, would would be wasted on me !! they target only the 1) non christians, AND 2) the economically deprived. both conditions need to be fullfilled.
dont they (missies) take advantage of people's economic misfortunes - and strip them (the victims) of that one thing that they DO possess, despite their poverty - their non-christian religion ?
there's a thin line between a missionary and a mercinary.
missionary / mercenary = social genocide / genocide. period.
missionaries are the greatest conmen on the planet. mother teresa included.
till her last day she refused to help people who weren't willing to convert by giving up their religion - one thats thrice as old as christianity !!
what all missionaries (including mother T) do, is actually set up a sort of barter system, with products like food, medicine, schooling etc on the one hand - and a product called christianity on the other. wonderful !!
and missioary activities isnt good news for the religion/culture at the receiving end of this conjob. one doesnt have to be an athiest to oppose it.
we should crucify missionaries, the way they go around crucifying non christian cultures.