Frolic wrote: Niger's former Minister of Mining and Energy told the press these charges were "lies".
Nigerien officials have also denied there have been made uranium shipments to Iraq in the 1980s. The UN weapon inspectors in Iraq however have confirmed that Niger sold concentrated uranium to Iraq on two occasions; one shipment in 1981 and a second shipment in 1982.
If Niger is found to have sold uranium to Iraq after the 1991 embargo, the Niamey government would be found guilty of the most serious violation of the sanction imposed on Iraq. This would further question Niger's reliability when it comes to sell uranium to dubious recipients, such as terrorists. Niger thus easily could be placed in the US category of "rough states".
After comparing the letters with official documents of the Niger government, however, IAEA discovered the "documents" were falsifications produced in London and Washington.
After having difficulty in understanding what the Frolic's term "rough states" is all about (I have heard about "rogue states", however), I want to add something: Niger's officials tend to deny everything, including the proven facts. Granted, Niger is far from being a democratic country with strict standards of documentation archiving, official documents of this country, used by the IAEA for verification of the U.S.-UK intelligence sources, cannot be considered trustworthy. The relevant documentation may have been shredded or classified, and Niger, unlike Iraq, was not obliged to disclose its national secrets to the UN weapons inspectors.
About Congo (this with capital in Leopoldville (currently Kinshasa), and not in Brazzaville): IMO, Belgium played a very specific role in the history of this African nation, and this role not always was positive, especially in early '60s. Why the Belgian justice would not switch to investigating these war crimes instead of meddling in the affairs of the countries that have never been a part of the Brussels' colonial empire?
Messrs. Pinochet, Putin, Sharon and Kabilla may be and may not be involved in the mass murders, but their activities do not threaten national security of the USA; these of Saddam, on the contrary, do. Therefore, he gets a priority treatment.