No, Walter.
Hint : one of this kind was once named "the center of the world" by some eccentric painter.
Hm, I can't find anything. This is a castle, isn't it?
Well, it's no southern country, I suppose. And France? (Not Nancy, I should know it.)
Finland has some nice buildings, too.
For once we are in France, Walter!
I would not consider it being Southern France but it's not Northern France either.
<Being in a lively discusssion with Mrs Walter - North vs. South, coast vs. Paris - but with no result>
I view Ile de France being Northern...
I am through 30 pages of castles in France - gosh they're
so beautiful.....alas none of them resemble Francis' picture.
And I told you, CJ, it isn't a castle...
Look, Dali considered one of this kind was the center of the world...