What about a daylight picture Walter?
Whereever that pix was taken, there's a bridge and a port for container ships. That description fit only about 100 (probably more) places on this planet.
That's the same city I had posted earlier, right?
I thought, we are still looking for it?
Hehe! Well cicerone is looking for it
I'm still going with Hamburg.
...and Hamburg it is.
Tico your turn!
tico : yes, you better stick with hamburg ! if this pix had been taken some years earlier, i might have been in it. in front are the motor-launches, next is the viaduct for the subway - which runs above ground along the harbour-front, at the back are the office buildings were many of the shipping agents have their offices. just on the left - out of the picture - is a ferry terminal were i would arrive by ferry to go to school in the city since we lived in the harbour, on the left side of the river elbe.
the street in front of the office buildings is called "vorsetzen" - literally "set in front" . the area is known to locals and sailors (walter) as "baumwall" - literally "tree-wall", since in the olden days until about 1850 a large wooden beam would at night be placed across the harbour entrance to prevent ships from entering the harbour without paying a toll.
those hamburg burghers were pretty crafty and liked to extract as much money as possible from any traders entering the harbour.
i must have walked along there literally thousands of times - and on occasion even at night - but we won't talk about that now !
nice work, walter and tico ! hbg
Stick with Hamburg... my sister attended Hochschule there.
oops ! didn't think the transfer worked.
the previous picture is of the same area but taken during daylight - somewhat more sober looking. the office building is called "sloman-haus" , referring to a hamburg shipping company by the name of "sloman".
i'm sure you've had enough of my babbling . sorry - got a little nostalgic. hbg
I thought you might wander into this hamburger. After
all it's your home town.
hbg, Get nostalgic any time you wish. That's one of the pleasures for us older folks.
I wondered if your name had anything to do with the city ... and now I know. Thanks.
Looking for a place to visit ...
University of __________, located at eastern state.