Thanks, Satt, a very interesting place.
Francis... you've hardly been here anyway, but, yes, we will miss you. Have a great weekend.
I know it is my turn to post but I'm going to be in and out for a while and don't want to delay the game. Jane, you want to post?
You kissed a frog lately Piffka?
Yes I will look for a picture....
CJ, I have a pix ready to go. Want me to post?
Oh my God, I need to reduce the image
cicerone go ahead and post...mine is too big anyway.
I'll take it out for now.
Maybe we can read the rock or tree in the picture to guess where. LOL
I'm glad that Ive got a LCD fatscreen monitor - otherwise the glas would be broken!
Hehe! That's how I feel today - like a rock hit me head on!
cicerone, post a picture. I'll save the rock for later, until
I reduce the image.
Segovia is correct. Okay CJ, go ahead with you pix.
Okay it should be reduced now..
Is that a Bristlecone pine?
Wisconsin? (Ignoring the Spanish hint)
I don't know Piffka. It looks to me like lightening hit that
tree a long time ago.
Not Wisconsin Walter. I'm just thinking how Walter would
be translated into spanish