Is that photo from NYCity?
My profound apologies.... I confused MA with MD
I owe you a Havana cigar Tico. :-(
Piffka wrote:Okay.
Is that photo from NYCity?
Not NY City.
It is a village in Putnam County
Intrepid wrote:Where is this?

Okay... in New York. How about Sleepy Hollow?
Not Sleepy Hollow. It is 2 words though.
Maryland, Massachusetts ... easily confused. They are, after all, in alphabetical order.
Never mind. It's Cold Spring.
aaah. Pipped by Piffka.
Ticomaya wrote:Maryland, Massachusetts ... easily confused. They are, after all, in alphabetical order.
Thank you for your understanding. You are the very Paladin of reasonable and courteous discourse at this site
Yes, Cold Springs
Congratualations Piffka.
Massachusetts.... Maryland.

That's what happens when you use those confusing abbreviations.
Where in the world???
It looks Scandinavian, doesn't it? But no.