I knew you would, and you're right. I love it too, for many reasons - The Nine, the Campo and its history, my walks around the city on different visits, the art can make me cry..
For some reason I bonded on Siena and not Florence.
So, I've been going through all my stuff trying to cull, and one of the items I'm giving a hard stare at is all my photos. This one was on the "dining room table", aka work table, when I went to look and see if any of the photos that were on the table would do for the travel game. Since it's my photo, it just calls out Siena to me.. but there were few clues in the photo for everybody else. I was betting people are used to me picking a place in italy a good percentage of the time when I play this, but eurocelticyankee didn't know that.
Anyway, it's a scene from a passaggiata in April.
I also love the whole area around Siena - we stayed a week in a village called Strove over by Monteriggioni..