Piffka . . . Piffka . . . that sounds familiar . . . now what does that remind me of?
Hi Handsome... it does sound like something, doesn't it??? But what...
Hi Gorgeous Osso! How are ya? Sorry to say it but Poof, I am 'bout to disappear as it is way after my bedtime here and I'm fuzzier-headed than usual. Surely most of it is due to jetlag. I'll be back. Someone should start another round. I'd post a photo but I can't seem to manage it. S'true I can barely type on this unfamiliar computer and all my photos would either be the west coast of America or somewhere in the UK. I am SO predictable. HUGS
I'll post in your place if only you promise to come back...
back in a bit.
Now - that's a library!
Looks a bit like the library of Trinity College, Dublin - but I can't find a pic that looks like that!
That pic was in the paper yesterday ...
I wouldn't sign a treaty on the idea that it's in England or that it is a library :wink:
Hurray, Osso! Can't read that small print Walter... guess I've been in too many bookstores, lately. Surely it hasn't been in church.
Sorry Walter, but I don't read the Guardian beyond the black stump. :wink:
Hi, Pifka! Longtime no see you.
Welcome back!
Talking about heads, I'm told that d'Artagnan lost his head there, Walter...

Library inside empty Church in Maastricht - Holland
Since I'm sure you are correct, Dutchy ...
... post a new pic. :wink:
Walter you do the honours, you were the first anyway, Dutchy will be away for about 5 hours.
I'll have not much time myself ...
I still fall for it, even though I haven't been in that country for fifteen years.
Unfortunately I have to pull the pin, bedtime here, see you in about 6 hours.