Happy new year, Dutchy.
In this part of the world, it hasn't started yet...
Here it's 1 pm and we just had lunch. So we're still in the old year a bit,
but Dutchy, you have a splendid 2008 ahead of you. Best of luck to you
and yours.
As for the picture - Kipling was a great hint. His poem "If" will bring us
to Chateau d'If close to the coast of Marseilles.
Splendid start to the New Year Calamity Jane, well done, you're spot on.
We're already 7 1/2 hours into the new year. To you and yours C/J all the very best for a terrific 2008 and may all your wishes come true.
Thank you, Dutchy!
So then we'll continue. Where is this?
Is that a maze in the foreground?
Burmuda? See palm trees in front.
Nope, you're all on the wrong side of the world.
Australia or New Zealand.
Yes, Dutchy! Built after another famous one, well not authentic but
very similar.
No, but you're getting closer.
I've travelled all over Asia last few hours but no luck.

Perhaps if I suggest Singapore I'm getting closer?
Further north, Dutchy! Well, I said it's a replica of another famous hotel.
That famous hotel is in my town - the replica is in Asia, however, where
the hotel is standing, that place has ties to the United States.