people keep calling California Cali, and osso gets all perturbed and sends off small snarls.
This is a mostly newish area, similar in ways to one of Francis' last photos, that one in Croatia, and very similar to the photo CJane posted re the place in Greece.
I'll have to review what has been guessed so far, but perhaps a similar circumstance re the place in Croatia applies, or maybe it doesn't at all.
It is , Sglass, but not mainland..
Francis when you say it is not mainland Portugal, are you suggesting it is a Portuguese colony?
Portugal and other European countries have no colonies anymore.
This is part of Portugal, as a region, overseas province or whatever definition they give it.
Francis I've located similar style houses on the Portuguese Island of Madeira.
And you got it, Dutchy, good job!
Your turn.
Ah Ah!
Well done, Dutchy! :wink:
You are a very clever Frenchman. :wink:
Are we talking Wellington here?
No, but we could be talking Kipling...
Yes, but remotely connected to Dutchy's place...
King Louis castle ruins?

(Kipling wrote Jungle Book)
Well, these are not ruins, the place is well preserved...
In addition, King Louis has nothing to do with it.
On the other hand, some King, somehow connected to me, has...
Hmmmmm did R kipple in Normandy?
Waf, waf! Only a Dick would coin it...
Sounds like Richard the Lionhearted
Thank you for taking over from me during my absence Francis, I knew I could count on you. :wink: