Sun 15 May, 2005 03:25 pm
I feel so alone.
Alone and at peace.
People how they run,
how they cry.
How they understand and lie.
How they accuse and comdemn.
We all are doomed.
As a race, man has run it's course.
And it's end has come,
and I will be there.
Time has ceased to be,
and life is at a stand still.
So we quit our trying
And quit our bickering
Long enough to be happy at the end.
The end is now.
Can you listen long enough to hear the screams?
The hilarious thing about that is that the its haven;t been changed...
It is the one possessive pronoun that doesn't take an apostrophe:
its = belonging to it
it's = it is
Anyway back to the poem:
Somebody is feeling damn morbid!!
Sad thing is, I really reeeeally, don't care about always having the apostrophe.... but it seems all you people care about.. sheez... if thats how it's gonna be hell, i'd rather just quit posting on here, because I don't need to know everytime I forgot an apostrophe.. Sheez
I wasn't having a problem with it, I was pointing out that even using the spell check doesn't eliminate the apostrophe.
Sorry it just irritates me when people can't differentiate.
Anyway I commented on the poem too - I said you sounded morbid... there wasn't really anything more substantial than that to write about
Ok, almost every poem I post on here is morbid... it's something to write on, i'm not a morbid person though, it's just in my poetry, so from now on, i'm gonna put (morbid) in my more dark poems so you can stay away, because I don't really give a flying **** if their morbid
And at which particular point did i suggest to any degree what so ever that morbid was a bad thing? Do yourself a favour hun, before you start having a go at me for thinking your poetry is morbid go read somebody elses... Hey here's an idea, go read some of mine and then wow you'll discover that not only do i not have a problem with morbid poetry i write it.
I don't see why you're so uber-defensive - if i'd said it's a happy poem or wow you sound in love, or that's so sad or any of the other simple statements i would have said about another poem nobody would have batted an eyelid. I didn't even say that you were morbid i said you appeared to be feeling morbid!!
Stop trying to pick a fight with somebody who only mentioned 's because i wanted to point out that the beloved spell checker didn't correc thtem either, and who actually didn't think your poem was bad
Eh, sorry.. I just get a tad touchy sometimes. ^.^