Setanta wrote:... Ducks Unlimited is the most successful organization in the country at preserving wetlands and flyways, which benefits far more species than simply birds in general or ducks specifically.
Could we import their representatives to my state (Victoria, Oz) please, Setanta? "Duck season" is a debacle here, with conservationists confronting the shooters on a regular basis. There have been some concessions to the conservationists, but not nearly enough. Some shocking cruelty & damage to the duck population & wetlands have occurred in the name of hunting. It's a hot issue!
Dora, I was in no way trying to suggest that Australians are perfect compared to other countries on animal cruelty/conservation issues. Our live sheep export trade to the Middle East is an absolute disgrace (another extremely heated battle ground!) I can barely bring myself to watch the news reports, it's so distressing.

But I think, on this issue (whaling), the Australian have got it right & the Japanese & the other pro-whaling countries have got it wrong. Also, as the IWC was meeting to discuss Japan's proposal it was a very timely issue.