farmerman wrote:Well, weve been armed with a number of Japanese affiliate names that have markets in the US. Eg Gortons, Fujyama, Mi Kasa, etc are large and small chains of restaurants and seafood sales companies that are JApanese owned. I plan to get organized and have printed up stickers that can be applied to Gortons or Mi kasa's products that Japan supports whaling .
Im sure if we think this through, we can exert sufficient market pressure on a number of JApanese products .
Unfortunately I think it's going to take stronger action than that, farmer, though hitting the profits of the companies involved is certainly an excellent form of protest. Good for you!
I'm thinking that if the IWC's decisions can be (apparently) so easily corrupted by commercial whaling interests, then it's clearly not the right body to be monitoring the situation. And if the IWC's 1986 decision
is over-turned, then things are going to get very, very ugly between the pro-whaling interests & environment organizations.