No further news from Sea Shepherd. But here's the current "wish list"/the things that are needed. (You never know who might be reading this & might be able to help!)
Sea Shepherd Wish List
We would like to thank those supporters who have generously contributed supplies and equipment to help our cause. Some of the supplies we list below are permanent Wish List items because they are items which either need to be replaced regularly or are items for which there is a need for multiples.
If you have any of these items or are able to purchase any of these items on Sea Shepherd's behalf, your special support will be greatly appreciated. In the United States and the Netherlands all
Gifts-In-Kind are tax-deductible.
For more information about donating supplies, please contact the Sea Shepherd office in Friday Harbor:
Email: [email protected] or call: +1-360-370-5650
Sea Shepherd needs a Hobart brand industrial-sized food mixer for use by our galley crew. This machine is a huge help when feeding a hungry crew! If you have one you can donate, please contact us.
The crew of the Farley Mowat are in need of the following items:
Deck Department
Equipment & Tools:
Compressor: Must be 110 volts
Grease Guns: Especially need grease cartridges
Needle Guns: Air-Powered
Outboard Motors
Heavy-duty Electric Welder
Welding Rods
Scarfing Gun
Power Tools:
Batteries for Dewalt Drill: 18 volts - DW 997, Type 4
Saw blades for jigsaw: Black and Decker jigsaws,
both American and British models -
all sorts of blades
Cordless drills
Shop Vac: Small
Extra Parts:
Belts for Belt Sanders: Black and Decker BR 400,
type 1
Grinding Stone for Bench Grinder:
Dimensions 200mm x 25mm x 5/8" bore -
Kango Wolf Power Tool, type 8356
Saw Blades: Circular 10"
Wire Wheels: 4"-5"
Mustang Survival Suits
Immersion Suits
Batteries for Seadoos (GTI model)
Batteries 6-Volt
Batteries AA, AAA
Foam: Expanding
Flashlights: Heavy Duty
Hose Clamps
Misc. Hardware: Stainless Steel, Brass, or Galvanized
-galvanized pipe (3/4", 1", 1-1/4", 1-1/2")
-mild steel pipe (3/4", 1", 1-1/4", 1-1/2" and 2")
-angle iron (various sizes)
-flat bar (various sizes) and 3/8"
or 1/4" mild steel sheets
Epoxy: Underwater epoxy
Eye Hooks, Nuts, Bolts, Rings, etc.
Paint Brushes: For Oil-Based Paints
Paint: Marine paint - black
Paint Rollers
OSPHO Anti-Rust
Silicone: Marine Quality
Tape: Masking, Plumbers, Electrical, Denso, Duct
WD 40 Welding Goggles
Wood Glue and Liquid Nails ... <cont>