Thu 12 May, 2005 04:58 pm
PETA and HSUS are not what you think.
Click here for more info.
That article sounds a good deal like a partisan rant. Nevertheless, i don't doubt its contentions about PETA euthenizing so many animals. I have never had any respect for the organization. Beside their holier-than-thou attitude, and their militancy, there is the stupidity they so commonly display. I'll not name names, because i don't want to have a public statement of mine drawing the attention of these loonies, but i personally know of a case in which a bunch of these idjits were moved to spray-paint the fur coats of women in public. It happened in a town where i was living. The only problem was, they spray painted the coat of a wealthy woman married to a lawyer--and the coat was fake fur. PETA ponied up what was reputed to be a large sum (can't say, as the settlement required non-disclosure) to keep the incident quiet.
In California in the early 1980's, they decided on a "guerilla activity," and "liberated" nearly two hundred turkeys from a turkey farm before Thanksgiving. Domestic turkeys . . . i'll bet the local coyotes couldn't believe their luck. Here ya go, incredibly stupid little birdies, instead of dying in the slaughterhouse, you can go out to the wilderness, in which you are not equipped to live, and die in terror, pain and bewilderment as a coyote rips the flesh from your still living body. What a bunch of clueless clowns.
I don't hunt, because i have other things i'd like to spend my money on, and as a single man, the meat would likely go to waste. I don't object to hunting, although i would prefer to see it done for the meat and not simple amusement. But neither sport hunting nor meat-eating are illegal, and no argument of this bunch convinces me that it is unethical. Respect for all life? Sure, instead of killing a half-dozen animals a year for your protein, you can slaughter plants in their billions to provide your less than adequate diet. White-tail deer have become so ubiquitous, that normal hunting seasons can no longer control the population, and state's are obliged to resort to professional hunters to cull the herds--which otherwise face death from disease and starvation.
I'm not fond of militancy in any form, and these clowns take the cake for outrage-without-a-clue. There, i feel much better now.
The strangest thing I've seen them do was protest the Oscar Meyer Weiner mobile at a local event. They made a huge stink about it being at a park for a city event.
I love animals, but PETA does tend to go too far, IMO.
can't remember when i stopped supporting PETA, it's been a long while. i do support HSUS, cjhsa, and i didn't see anything in your link that mentions HSUS, or am i mistaken?
You are mistaken, it is mentioned, and it is a mistake to support them as they are aligned with PETA. HSUS is nothing more than huge anti-hunting animal rights PAC based in Washington, D.C. If you want to go work at your local humane society shelter, good for you, but don't give these clowns any money. They aren't who they claim to be.
cjhsa wrote:They aren't who they claim to be.
Don't such organisation have to show e.g. where the money goes, what program they have etc?
Here, I would never give any money to an organsation, which isn't 'certified'. And especially not to one, which isn't what it claims. (Those wouldn't survive long, though: they soon would be prosecuted.)
They use the term "Humane Society" so that the gullible will associate them with the local shelter.
Well, there are uneducated all over the world.
Beth, you're truly a diplomat.
ehBeth wrote:
cj's a bit, errrr, attached to this issue
Just doing what I see as my civic duty here on A2K.
cjhsa wrote:
Just doing what I see as my civic duty here on A2K.
We all are very thankful to have at least one member here, who's showing civle courage.
Thanks to cjhsa, this site isn't so down as liberals try to make it.
Well, that's just as inflamatory and slanted an assessment as you could have posted here. Whereas i consider PETA to be extremists, and every bit as potentially dangerous as any other bunch of extremists, that does not mean that i will subscribe to Fox "News" tripe--hysteria inducing journalism.
I'm outta here . . .
I love how the simple mention of Fox news makes liberals run screaming. If you watch CNN, and can't see the slant, you probably hate Fox.
I haven't run screaming, i have reacted to the slanted tone of the material you presented. I do not keep up with current events by watching television--i read.
And I don't see the slanted tone of the article, other than being anti-PETA. Good.
There is none so blind as he who will not see.
I suppose next you are going to tell me that Milk Stealing Ming is just PETA's Barney the dinosaur.
What i am going to tell you is that Fox has used innuendo and a sneering tone to suggest what the content of a PETA syllabus would be. They may be right about it, but they did not establish it in that article, which is a hatchet job.
I said i was outta here, and i should have meant it then. I do now.