Francis wrote:Just 150 more

All right!!! Pulling up a chair and focusing on the computer screen.....
msolga wrote:Go mad, Francis! Show the lot!

Go crazy . . .
Oh ! Oh ! Oh ! Oh ! Oh !
Just lose it . . .
Oh ! Oh ! Oh ! Oh ! Oh !
(With a completely insincere apology to Eminem.)
a brief observation while Francis takes a deep breath and commences anew his story-telling:
London is just a little street where old friends meet:
Montaigne and Shakespeare!
after a while, discussions became serious...
Ros : aren't these guys boring?
And the fun starts again...
I hope they're bread sticks. :wink:
My first thought was that Dlowan was spying on the gathering . . .
by that stage in the evening I dont think she cared what they were
This page was very S-L-O-W downloading on my computer, Francis. For quite a while (watching the white white bits at the top of the last pic) I thought our Deb had joined the gathering!
Thanks for those pics, Francis! [Those from the London Meeting B (in Lippstadt) (ends today) will be posted on Thursday on the official London gathering thread.]
They certainly are, Gautam.
In fact the only possible way they could be improved is for you to be in them!
Francis must have a great, great, camera, because it's the very first time I have seen a picture of me that doesn't look like I'm a criminal. I never show my driver's license of passport to anzbody!
Hmm.. Why is Clary staring at my ear?
But it's late and even the best got to an end..