dlowan wrote:Hmmmm - what I would like to know is how the "Just How Evil is Craven de Kere" thread was disappeared from this place, and cast into the outer darkness, where it is doubtles wailing and gnashing its teeth - and where I imagine moth and rust are corrupting it?
So - how evil IS that?! He makes a thread limning his true infernality disappear!
Sinister, no?
You posted it to the testing forum which, as you know, prunes. That's where the thread about you was posted and I bet that is gone too.
Youse both big footed and owner of an accusatory mind and faulty memory.
And youse hairy.
Gala, you just have to be kidding.
Heehee - me memory is fine - I was just casting nasturtiums at the evil one in order to sow discord. Busted, dammit! Better luck next time....
And exactly what do YOU mean Roger, me friend?
...small feet, no hair...small feet, no hair....small feet, no hair....
I've got big feet and you know what they say about men with big feet...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................big shoes !
I always heard that about a man's hands, but feet are good too. I always payed attention to men's hands ;-)
Hiama's big ..........................
feet stretched the thread!
I am very disappointed, Roger - one of my missions in life is to cause a certain degree of confusion about things....
The Bunny, The Bunny..................
I SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO do not believe that Wilso is scared of me!
Wilso is fearless dlowan ;-)
Well, he might me alittle afraid of me
Any man crittur who thinks he has the better of a woman crittur is deluded
Would never dare try to better Gezzy or The Bunny. :wink:
LOL Wilso ;-) No need to fear me! I'm a pussycat ;-)