Does it follow that, then, truth is different for humans then, say, dogs or space aliens?
Meaning, if the corresponsence theory is true, humans do feel rain on thier skin, but there is a reality out there, a truth, to be beheld. Humans simply access it through thier senses.
Are you stating that we, as humans, frame that truth differently, than say aliens, so - although we bias the truth as humans there is a truth out there to bias (subjective truth)?
Or are you saying that because we, as humans, have our own way of gathering truth and, ultimatley, that truth is relative to us (relative truth)?
I am fairly sure you are saying the former but I am not totally sure and am asking for clarification.
p.s. I admit that I am completely biases when concerning matters of relativism. I simply can't see it's validity and need to be elightened in order to.
(Usually when I feel this way I have missed something - so that is why I ask as many questions as I do.