Mon 10 Mar, 2003 08:53 pm
A leather thong suspended and at the end a feather.
Light or lofty shaman goes within the pouch of leather.
A turquois memory and a shimmer Indian silver gleams.
The moons of many memories, and a dream within a dream.
I swim through backlogs of the past,
I reach and soon discover,
A moccasin on the timeless waste,
A new world , earth of mother.
Thanks, dys, for the wink. Interesting to find a site devoted to the different types of dream catchers. This idea Came to me when you did your coyote piece.
Edgar, glad you thought my observations were nice. Did I cross all my "t's" and dot all my "i's"? My turn to wink.
I just got around to reading this one, Letty.
I LIKE poetry and writings about the American Indians. Sure, and there are More than moccasins in that early earth of our mother!
We associate them quite rightly, with turquoise stones, silver, shaman (medicine men), feathers, and brightly colored beads and paint.
"Great Spirit- Hail, I call thee
to come. In strength, to feed me.
O Great Spirit, make my throwing true,
Make it straight, go my target through."
(He would not ask for a Power to 'give or send',
he would not even ask the Power to lend...
Old warrior means to do it himself, not beg from-
But knows the Great Spirit needs to be in his Wigwam).
Never one to waste words, his greeting was brief.
And he led his own children to frugal beliefs.
Still, strangers with 'knowledge' came into his places,
His dreams and ideas- are now measured in spaces;
Where old bones lie turned, into 'grist of the mind'
And his memory portrayed, with every 'Indian Find'.
jackie, Did you write that? It was very moving. I, too, am an American Indian buff. I do, however, like to look at both sides of the history. Chief Joseph's "I Will Fight No More Forever." still transfixes me.
Good noon Letty- Yes, I quite understand 'transfixation' in the light of such greatness. Has America ever had a leader who LOVED his people more?? Chief Joseph's story is remarkable and a stand-out.
But I haven't read up on the nez-perce tribe as much as other more famous ones. I can't really call myself a knowledgeable expert or well- read in Indian lore, but I have a great interest.
Yes, I did write the little rhyme. {While it is never earth shaking}, I find self expression easier in the rhythm of poetry.
I'm looking forward to your next poetry or prose.
Jackie, Nez perce was not the real name of the tribe to which Chief Joseph belonged, it was a name given to them by the French because they pierced their noses. (took a while for the kids to recall the trend.
I am certainly no expert, but was caught up quite early in the lore of the American Indian because I loved to pretend that I was an animal.
To think that Chief Joseph and the remnants of his followers were so close to the Canadian border. Ah, well. That man was as great in surrender as he was in battle.
Yes, Jackie, poetic rhythm and the ecstacy of sound.
(thank you)